2020 Post-Election Thread

Im with you on that.

Ship iiiiitttt.

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“Masks are for pussies” and/or “masks are tyranny” is a big thing in our politics right now.that capital broadly opposes. Same for anti-immigrant and protectionist sentiment. Capital loves cheap labor. The Koch brothers (RIP) want something close to open borders. It’s funny you mention Facebook, because I was in part thinking of them when I wrote that post. Zuckerberg is not happy that the top 10 Facebook posts are consistently hardcore MAGA conspiritarding and other vicious rightwing cultural propaganda, things that are toxic to over half the country. You can tell because he wrote an op ed in WaPo begging for regulation. He can’t just shut if off with a push of the button. He could drive them off Facebook and take a huge hit, but as long as the demand is there, and no law prevents it, it’s not going away.

Not sure if ponied, but Lost Cause II seems like the direction that some part of Trumpistan is going to embrace. There’s going to be some sort of white grievance culture constituency that will never ever vote for a Democrat in the future because of “what they did to Trump”, which will make appeals to the white working class less effective than we hope.



ugh at reading the comments

Can’t punish them hard either look what treaty of versailles did to germany/italy

me **** **** ****

Thats good but the best sell for some is money. Employers pay a lot of money for health care. Mine pays about 14k per year and a single payer healthcare plan would raise my taxes maybe 7k according to Bernie’s plan i think it was. So that means when my union renegotiates my salary id make about 3-7k more a year.

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This would be the greatest thing for the left in American history.

People are way overreacting to these polls about accepting the election. For most people their commitment to politics does not exceed the level of sport. Something like 80% of republicans supposedly thought Obama wasn’t born in the US and therefore was an illegal president. What came of that? Nothing. The same thing is going to happen here. The right will whine and cry for 4 years. They will feed their grievance monster but nothing more.

I’m not saying there won’t be small scale violence. There likely will. I just don’t see the civil war or coup scenarios as likely.

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It’s really weird the way a few people here keep making this argument over and over when afaik nobody is saying those things are likely to happen. I’ve tried to make my 2 actual concerns very clear. The first is large scale domestic terrorism. The second is long term destabilization, decline, and eventual collapse, which undramatically manifests by making most peoples’ lives consistently shittier every day over the course of years to decades.

If you want to argue against those things happening please do, and tell me how the ongoing clusterfuck of politics and world events aren’t increasingly pointing us in those directions.


The attempted coup is underway right now. The only question is if it will succeed or not.

And I think the Obama secret Muslim shit did damage. It’s just hard to quantify easily, but it’s part of the general plan to confuse and de-legitimize when the Democrats are in power.

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[quote=“AllTheCheese, post:1256, topic:3097, full:true”] His history is of someone who generally jumps on board with massively popular policies (good ones and bad ones).

This makes me feel hopeful about getting mj off Schedule I

I share both your concerns. As for the coup Jbro in the very next post is arguing it’s happening.

Edit: I misquoted Zizak so have corrected it. See posts below.

Here is one possible counterpoint:


I think most here would agree that way too much of the political future of the US depended on Ruth Ginsberg’s pancreas. I wonder how much depends on whatever is going on with Mitch McConnell’s hands?

Yeah if Mitch gets taken out they really don’t have a replacement. That guy is a 5 star nightmare fuel end boss that nearly always kills you several times before you figure out how to win (and this is real life so you only get to try once)… and the next man up is the easyish boss at the end of Act 1. You know… Nancy Pelosi.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying what is going on isn’t catastrophic. It clearly is. I’m simply not too worried about Biden being president in February.

Trump is absolutely trying to burn it all down on the way out.


I did not use that word. Nobody has used that word anywhere in this thread in the context you just did.

Sorry “large scale”. I misquoted in my mind without going back to confirm. My apologies.

With that correction I’m even more sympathetic to your points. We are certainly drawing live to another Oklahoma, as an example.

Ahhh zuck is going with the cactus gym stance “I know it’s bad but the government hasn’t made a law so what is simple me supposed to do but continue this bad thing”

Who knows maybe Facebook can manufacture another couple of genocides somewhere and zuck can write another op-ed how he knows it’s bad but can’t really do much

Also I’m going to take a wild guess and say even though zuck says he wants regulation he probably donates to some politicians that oppose it but yeah let’s take his word in the OpEd he wrote on his billionaire buddies newspaper

Edit: your post basically says that zuck decided the extra money is worth it to continue down this path until some regulation that’ll never happen comes along, seems like capital likes what’s going on when it comes to that example and won’t do anything to stop it lol

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