2020 Post-Election Thread

I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I agree/disagree on various points.

I agree with you that Trump has not delivered every item on capital’s wish list, and that all else being equal, they’d prefer a better response to covid. At the end of the day though, capital cares less about methods and more about the results on the scoreboard. Right now, the wealthy are wealthier, stonks are up, and the bail outs and corporate hand outs keep flowing. The Dem’s Wall Street donors said publicly that if Bernie or Warren was the Dem nominee, they’d sit out or back Trump in 2020. The GOP’s Wall Street donors doubled down on more Trump. The bottom line, again, is that capital values profits/power > anything else, including people’s lives.

The counter weight to capital is organized labor. Imagine how difficult it will be for working people to organize ourselves, when ~half the workforce believes Trump and the GOP’s BS and lies. The wealthy are absolutely ecstatic when working people can’t even agree on reality, let alone identify that capital is crushing them in the class war. If the methods necessary to achieve and maintain that level of division is anti-mask BS, capital will make that trade off, all day everyday. We know this because it’s the same trade off that the Koch brothers(and their ilk) have made their whole lives in pushing even more damaging BS like climate change denialism and lolibertarian/Chicago school economics.

I’ll judge Zuckerberg by his actions rather than his Op-Ed. Zuck effectively owns our most popular virtual public space. If Zuck owned that space in the physical world, and he was making money hand over fist in part by letting lies and conspiracies, hatred and toxicity run rampant; would you judge him by the festering cesspool that you could see with your eyes, or a letter that his PR team wrote for him?

It seems like you’re simultaneously saying that Zuck can’t shut it off, but also that he could, however it would cause his net worth to drop from an 11-digit number to some smaller 11-digit number.

People have agency. There is no law of physics that prevents Zuck from choosing to value humanity/decency/truth > his personal net worth. Every day he is confronted with that decision, and every day he consciously takes the path of a sociopath: to “gain wealth, forgetting all but self”.

I’ll agree that if Zuck pushed the toxicity off of his platform, there will still be toxicity in the world, but that doesn’t absolve him of responsibility for what he does have control of–Facebook.

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I believe that Zuck does want the regulation. It’s not because he’s a noble man. He wants it because he’s greedy. He makes more money if he can kill the most toxic content on Facebook (better for normies) and rightwingers have nowhere else to go if they don’t like it, which is what a law would do. The legislation he’s talking about in that op ed absolves Facebook from responsibility and liability. Both parties are constantly furious at Facebook for opposite reasons and threaten regulation that would be bad for their bottom line. Liz Warren proposed breaking up Facebook. GOPers want to change the law to prohibit any moderation and make Facebook into 4chan. Decent chance this all comes to nothing, but it creates risk. They’d rather not be in everyone’s crosshairs.

Re: @MysteryConman Stonks are doing okay under Trump; not as well as under Obama or Bill Clinton and with obviously less stability. If you gave the composite billionaire a magic wand, pretty sure he waves us back to Obama vs Romney politics or Bill Clinton politics.

I want to be clear that my point wasn’t and isn’t that capital is well-meaning. They won’t sacrifice profits for the benefit of society. That’s bad! I just disagree with a class central take on the insanity in this country right now, one that views corporate profits as the main driver, and the solution is Dems giving people free shit. Yes, the social media platforms currently make money from horrible rightwing content. But they make money off it because it’s popular. They didn’t make it popular. AOC still has an account with 10.5 million followers that people could be reading instead of QAnon. And a lot of this content is being driven by old whites living off the socialist teet of Medicare and Social Security, not disaffected minorities whose basic needs are not being met by either party.

The problem seems to me very clearly cultural, and Dems should look for solutions along those lines. This isn’t to say Dems shouldn’t give people free shit. They should because it’s the right thing to do, but it’s not going to magically win them elections, and if they choose their spots poorly (imo student debt), then they will deepen the cultural rifts and lose even more.

Gov. Kemp presser starting…

Hard to believe thousands of ballots were found in a close election. Unacceptable!

Georgians expect better.

This recount only look at ballots, not signatures. Georgians very concerned about this. We should address. Wants a sample audit of signatures

We should do photo ID on absentees. So many people want it!

State laws requires governor to formalize certification. That paves the way for Trump campaign to follow other avenues to request a recount if they want it.

(Seems like this whole thing is basically a CYA for himself vis-a-vis Trump while certifying the results).

LOL, unless I missed it, he said literally nothing about whether the election results were certified. His statement was like 90 seconds long.

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Amazing how all these clowns castrate themselves for Daddy.



Maybe this wouldn’t happen if we could make socialism more popular and capitalism less popular.

This is pretty insane. More evidence gop will do anything and everything for power.

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Guessing you only posted this to show that progressives agree the “socialism” ads were effective, but man, this op ed sucks so bad. It doesn’t even try to answer the headline question. There’s nothing here specific to women. The same attacks were run against Max Rose and (as you know) Ammar Campa Najjar. The piece also doesn’t provide any insight beyond “they lied about us and we lost. Bad!” But like, why was it effective? Who did better relative to 2018 facing these attacks? What about relative to Biden? Any ideas on how to fight back?

The article concludes with (paraphrasing) “we should just get rid of dark money and corporate donations.” Thanks, Kara! Not only is that not actionable right now, it also doesn’t solve the problem at all. We outspent the fuck outta Republicans and still lost a bunch of races. The whole thing puts me on tilt. AOC seems to be the only one interested in plugging the leaks. Nancy’s gonna be Speaker again. The party will learn no lessons and lose 40 seats in 2022. PicardDoubleFacePalm.jpg


LOL meanwhile over on Parler a Kelly Loeffler promoted post is getting ratioed savagely. And the bile seems to be pretty organic and not just trolls. If this is all Gen Z they really do take to social media like dolphins to water because I’m absolutely fooled. These look like real derps.

This shit might actually be happening.

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We saw this in local elections as well. Republicans get their buddies to run as “independents” in order to rig elections to force runoffs, etc. a lot of times they will drop out before the election even happens (but after ballots are printed, to ensure their names appear). It’s just blatant, open ratfucking, and many times it’s perfectly legal in this trash state.

Florida Dems lost one net Senate seat (from your link) and five house seats in this election. This in spite of the $15 an hour minimum wage passing. This in spite of our state unemployment system COMPLETELY failing at the start of the pandemic, and this in spite of the fact that even when it works it only pays a maximum of $275 per week in benefits, one of the lowest in the nation.

Florida is completely, utterly, irretrievably broken. I really hope our presidential candidates stop wasting precious resources on it…and I personally cannot wait to gtfo.


Jbro said “attempted coup” and he’s right.

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Didnt a bunch of dems win in trump leaning districts who backed m4a?




not unless it was supposed to be pretty safe and instead barely hung on but that goes for all the dems really

Jill said that Biden prefers jelly.


Matt Cartwright has been on local commercials for probably 20 years - he was a partner at one of the “big” plaintiffs firms in Scranton/Wilkes Barre that ran constant commercials during daytime tv. I wonder how much that helps.

He also has Tim Holden’s old district. Holden was a super moderate/conservative Dem and the district was one of those that flipped Republican starting in the 90s or so but stuck with Holden in congress. Kind of a Joe Manchin deal. It was redistricted in 2010 I think to create some red seats in central PA, as it used to have more central PA and now is entirely Northeast, but I suspect that had the effect of making Cartwright’s seat a bit safer.

Nah I remember posting the graphic and AOC posting about it like 5 Democrats who supported M4A won their swing districts that leaned between R+1 and R+4 while all the other democrats who didn’t lost their swing districts.

I’ll see if I can find it again.

Here we go