2020 Post-Election Thread

You wouldn’t root for the Washington Generals if they got into the NBA?

Ok. Is Biden a believable messenger for that?

Yes? He called for increasing the federal min wage during the Obama years. He’s calling for it in clear terms now. His history is of someone who generally jumps on board with massively popular policies (good ones and bad ones). At the state level Dems have passed $15/min wage laws. The Dem House passed $15/min wage laws that died in the Senate. All of the evidence points to Dem establishment being on board.

Lol, in this worst of all possible universes this definitely results in 40% of the country runs to Trump, 30% to the Mitt Romney party, 30% to the tattered remains of the Democrats. Trump wins, liberals blame AOC.

This tends to happen when the cops are murdering people on tape with no consequences.

I’m curious about your thought process as to how/why capital doesn’t want what’s happening right now? Historically, capital has wanted, and depends upon a divided working class, in order to wield disproportionate power. Even better if the working class doesn’t advocate for their own best interests, and is instead split between supporting two parties that have both handed out trillions of dollars to capital over the past dozen years.

Jack Dorsey & Zuckerberg could press a button and stop the lies and misinformation oozing through their social networks, but they haven’t. Seems like it’s because they don’t want to stop it. Their employees have made more of stink about it than they have.

Fortune 500 companies could cut off the flow of advertising dollars they spend on FB and Twitter and Sinclair owned local TV stations. But they haven’t, and don’t seem willing to do so.

I’m open to hearing your perspective, but as of now IMO the class warfare lens gives the best explanatory framework–summed up by the question from the movie Vanilla Sky: “What’s the answer to 99 out of 100 questions? Money”. Same as it ever was, capital has the money, an insatiable appetite for it, and the amorality to not GAF about the collateral damage caused in pursuit of more of it.


Not even if I was from Washington. Seriously I’m not a good tribe member.

wtf WaPo??? why platform this dipshit who’s going on stream on parler in about 5 minutes?

In an exclusive interview, Kyle Rittenhouse said he bought a gun with stimulus money. The first man he shot had just left a psychiatric hospital.
By Joyce Sohyun Lee, Robert O’Harrow Jr. and Elyse Samuels

Money likes stability. Trump’s never been accepted by other rich people for a reason. He just sucks too much on a personal level to be of use to anyone but someone who needs an easy mark to grift at great personal expense (because Trump ruins everything eventually).

Money greatly prefers the calm competence of Obama with the clear messaging about what is going to happen next and prevent anything too terrible from happening to their investments. They do fine under Democrats, and a whole bunch of them know it. Examples include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Mike Bloomberg… all of whom would prefer stability and competence over a tax cut and a giant trash fire that could destabilize the system that is treating them so very very very well.

This is not intended as an endorsement of the Democrats, and I hope that’s obvious.

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Advertising boycotts were tried but didn’t make a dent because when 40% of the country are true believers the capital is going to flow to the product in demand one way or another… specifically there was an endless supply of smaller advertisers owned by true believers or nihilists happy to fill the void (think the MyPillow dipshit, Goya, etc.)

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I agree that capital likes stability. Right now, capital enjoys the stability that whether it’s the GOP or the Dems in the WH, the Treasury will keep printing money and handing it over to them. Capital is not upset with Trump, for the same reasons that (other than some kayfabe) they were not upset with Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama. [I swear to god we should make politicians wear NASCAR type uniforms with patches of all their top donors, so that it’s obvious who they’re serving…but that’s just a dream.]

Good point. The short-lived (and failed) advertising boycotts are more of sign of the systemic issues that make it difficult for that kind of boycott to succeed, and that the amorality of capitalist corporations means that they’ll inherently lack the ethical fortitude to put [literally anything, including the future of humanity] > [profits].

I’m not sure you got the joke.

I know who the Washington Generals are lol. That being said I wouldn’t be a browns fan either.

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If there is any speech that is successfully suppressed I think it must be boycotts. It’s very difficult to find lists of companies to boycott for various reasons. Try to find a list of companies that use slave labor for example.

Does anyone want to join me in a project that creates boycott lists? Maybe we’ll be successful enough to get suppressed!

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With all the dirt that companies do these days, it may end up being easier to make a list of companies that we don’t boycott. Kind of like how the BBB or AAA or AARP put their stamp on stuff, but we’d be doing it for good, rather than corporate synergy or whatever buzzword is hot right now.

Do you mean that ethical consumption is not possible, or just that within our current system and framework there is no ethical consumption?

That will be available at kroshopkin.com.

I got a domain for the boycott site. Add that to the list of projects.

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Is that your website?

My friends tried to launch something similar called coshoperate.com (it’s defunct so no need to click through, sorry) a couple of decades ago, but I think their seed money got spent on an ounce of weed and a dozen kayaks that took forever to sell.

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coshoperate is a good name!

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i got it. i believe schadenfreude is more powerful than fear and otherizing. let’s found the progressive party around the principle of laughing at the fascists and feeling good about it.