2020 Post-Election Thread

damn a Ricky Rubio/Steph Curry backcourt would have been spicy

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I mean let’s be really clear here… What I want to do to the Democratic Party is one of those ‘flips’ where all that remains of the original structure is the original brick facade from the 1800’s. I want to tear everything else out including it’s rotting foundation.

The only reason I want to renovate the Democratic Party instead of simply opening up another political party down the street is the obvious structure of the US government and our political elections, which makes a third party gaining traction essentially make the party they are most opposed to take total control over the government until they finish their fight with the old guard. If the Democrats were a sports team with 30+ alternatives I’d have stopped being a fan a long long time ago.

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Neither party will do that because of cops. `( and prosecutors and prison guards and private prison companies and companies that build public prisons and companies that provide food to prisons and all of the towns that have their economies wrapped up in prisons) but mostly cops. They are terrified of cops. Especially the Democrats are terrified of cops.




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What did that poll look like in 2016 if you asked if Trump legitimately won the election?

12%? My god we are so fucked.


What happened to 73%? We’re super fucked.

Honestly when the win power back it’s going to be very, very, very bad. Much worse than with Trump.

Like I said a couple weeks ago, I don’t see how democracy survives this long term.


Honestly maybe it shouldn’t. Not this one at least. I mean it’s kind of a joke at this point isn’t it?



I am the 15%/23%.

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@Vict0ar is in the 0%


Love the 2% of Biden voters who don’t think he won legitimately.

That’s my bet for @Vict0ar.

lol victoar didn’t vote for Biden

Lol that it’s specifically 88% who think it’s illegitimate. 88. Writers getting a bit on the nose.


the reason you don’t want to start a third party is because you don’t have ranked choice voting. gop is literally hundreds of thousands lives worse for everyone than democrats and you cannot waste your vote like that.

Yes exactly. If we had ranked choice voting only the really strong Dem nominees would be my first choice.

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Biden said it a lot. It was in his stump speech. He said it at the second debate for an audience of 63 million.

Having very clear, publicly stated policies that help people isn’t the cheat code. Neither is “promise people free shit,” otherwise we’d be looking at President Yang. There are so many broken things in our political system. I’m getting tired of the takes that reduce it to class warfare, “capital exerting its will” or w/e. It’s part of the mix but it doesn’t suffice to explain what’s going on. 43% of Americans believe the outcome of a transparent, secure election is illegitimate. Capital doesn’t want what’s happening in this country.

They’ve lost control of the situation for sure. Trump wasn’t the capital friendly candidate. Sensing that is probably the reason a lot of people voted for him.

As to that 43% it’s too many people to ignore, we have to go fight for their hearts and minds and pray it isn’t too late for too many of them to fix the situation.

The problem that ties everything together is competence. The Democrats do not prioritize it in leadership. When it accidentally lands on them they love to clothe themselves in it, but it is not how the select the next person up.

I actually think selecting for incompetence is the main mechanism that the corporate interests keep the left from winning ever. They give money to Democrats who they don’t feel threatened by and deliberately attack those who do.

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No, there’s just not much point in always discussing how completely fucked the party is and how hopeless it all is. Might as well engage in some what they should be doing discussion.

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