2020 Post-Election Thread

And this is why the Democrats main priority for the next 4 years is helping absolutely every American they have the power to help as much as they can help them. Literally every pro human move they have available they should take.

Reschedule MJ. Get rid of student loans. Get creative about other stuff you can do with the treasury, commerce, education, and usda. Just full court press everywhere there are options.

There need to be some people who won big on our side with something that isn’t just the absolute bare basics like ‘I got super sick and my health insurance couldn’t be yanked away by bloodthirsty assholes’.

Who’s ready for…



Couldn’t Biden essentially make college free by just ending the requirement to pay student loans by EO? That would end the whining about how unfair it is. Everyone could get education to the level they desire for free. Yes the next president could undo it but they never would because of how unpopular it would be.

To be clear, I’m suggesting single payer. The talk about rewarding work is the sales message. We’re giving it to 100% of people, but focusing on the 95% of adults who are working.

This let’s the assholes fill in the blanks in the messaging with their own preferences - like keeping the lazy no good moochers off of it. I’m willing to let them think that to get their votes and put it through, because it’s going to become the highest voltage third rail in American politics if we get it put in place.

IMO the better argument here is that you can price shop. If someone tries to charge you $100,000 for a 1998 Honda Civic, you laugh in their face and go down the street. If you’ve just had a heart attack, there’s no price shopping going on - never mind that there’s no price transparency either.

Nah. The Federal government DOES have a ton of executive branch power to fix the problem though… they can determine which institutions qualify for student loans and pell grants.

The problem with making college free the way you’re proposing is that it takes an already very large problem (the cost of education) and just pours a ton of gasoline on it.

The people who already got screwed you have to help retroactively through forgiveness, but the way you fix it for the future is to play around with who gets how much.

This won’t happen because higher ed is one of the major rent seeking constituencies that supports the Democratic Party establishment. They would much rather let the fire burn out of control and do a debt bailout every decade or so to keep it from really fucking up the economy.

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Isn’t it all monopoly money at this point anyways?

You could always cap tuition via EO also. I mean maybe not legally but at least fucking try.

Yeah pretty much. Also after they’ve done one big round of debt forgiveness for college the game will be up. Nobody will ever do anything differently than I’ve done ever again. Every financial advisor, if at all smart, will be telling clients to max out student loans and pay the legal minimum and wait for the bailout.

And you don’t have to cap tuition by EO… you just change the guidelines for getting a student loan or a pell grant and watch the schools scramble to make it work.

that would probably be only federal loans

I think we’re already there wrt your last sentence. (Of the first paragraph)

I agree completely w your second paragraph.

There will only be federal loans if the federal loan requirements are set right.

It’s like he has a subset of policies he doesn’t really support deep down and doesn’t think play well nationally, so they’re on his website so the politically engaged progressives will see them, but he doesn’t talk about them so Joe Schmo isn’t aware.

The sad part is they’d play well nationally.


This is something Dems don’t get. Like Biden should just do stuff via EO and dare the GOP to sue.

Free healthcare for all, sue me.

Free college for all, sue me.

Legal weed, sue me.

Put the GOP on the record against popular shit. It’s messaging strategy.


are you not talking about canceling existing loans? then whatever

Yes please


The Democratic Party’s priority for the next four years will be the same it’s been our entire lives–to serve big business and banks. Have we been living in the same country for the past 3+ decades? Joe “Build Back Banks Better” Biden is president-elect. He knows how to serve capital, lock up poor people, and keep the wars going.


Stop I can only get so erect

Oh we cancel existing loans. I’m talking about what institutions have to do to qualify for student loans to next years first year students. Is it going to cause some hostages to get shot? Absolutely. Would it fix the administrative bloat problem? Absolutely.

I’m quite aware how much work the word should is doing in that second sentence. But I’m pretty done with letting the Democratic Party tell me what is and isn’t possible. I want to go check since it’s super obvious they haven’t.

I’m close to a full subscription to the ‘paid to lose vs paid to win’ theory of our political duopoly. It fits neatly with my main theory of American style corruption and things being neat and congruent is always nice.

The best evidence for that is:

Nancy isn’t going to betray her class. Full stop.

I appreciate that you recognize that. Because, honestly, sometimes I can’t tell if some posters(it just happened to be you and cuse in this particular instance) are living in an alternate reality where they truly believe that their proposed actions are things that Biden & Co. would do, ie. UHC by EO. Come on man, lol.

If y’all are just doing what I do with my favorite sports teams, and saying what I wish they would do to blow off steam. That’s cool, I guess. I dream of an alternate reality where my Timberwolves didn’t draft 2 point guards in front of Steph Curry.