2020 Post-Election Thread

It didn’t seem like he beat the drum on any policy issues. He basically ran on a retread version of HOPE AND CHANGE. It was barely enough to beat a semi-literate odious clown.

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Meh there’s something to be said for playing prevent D and winning comfortably. The senate though…

And if Trump’s first debate was as good as his second and he had a slightly less insane covid hospital stay he would have won.

If Dems manage to become the party of legalized drugs, they might be able to win big in 2022, but I sorta doubt they do that. More likely Republicans somehow steal the issue from them.


I literally never once heard him say he was pro legalization and I could have sworn that he said he was not in favor during the primaries.

You keep saying this but you never provide proof. Who are these millions of previously undecided voters who made up their minds right after the first debate and then skipped the second debate and then swung the election to Biden?

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I know, right? You have to google it to discover the Biden campaign’s stance on pot. Ridiculous.

I think if Trump had simply done another round of stimulus he would have been a favorite. Dude can’t get out of his own way.


Tens of millions of people had already voted when the second debate happened. Trump’s approval ratings dipped right after his disastrous first debate.

the insurance industry loves Obamacare. They also love Biden too

I have to assume Cocaine Mitch told Trump he would sink any real COVID relief bill. Even Trump understands that shipping people checks with his name on them is a winning move.

McConnell shanked him, Trump would have happily signed the largest stimulus possible.

Nah, Mnuchin was actually pretty close to a deal with Nancy, and the holdup was that Nancy wanted a bigger stimulus with more money. Then Trump suddenly tanked it via tweet by declaring he was done negotiating. LOL Trump.

Sure Mitch would have blocked it but Trump could have been out there banging away at Mitch to get it done. Alas, any strategy requiring any sustained effort is impossible for Trump so here we are.

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This is…pretty good.


Or I mean I could you know recall the fucking primary debates where he called mj a “gateway drug” and came out against legalization


Or articles like the one in The Atlantic from as recently as July which again reiterated his stance against legalization at the federal level but wants to leave it to the states:

So what fucking good is googling when the guy’s position seems to be different all the time?

But if you have audio or video of him saying he’s in favor of legalization I’d love to see/hear it.

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decriminalize isn’t the same as legalize on the federal level

I mean if his position has changed since the primaries and he’s now in favor that’s great, and good for him! But one of the main reasons I was not an early backer of his was that his stance on mj was to the right of pretty much everyone else who was running and like I said I never one heard him say anything different since then.

i mean we live in the age when dem primary candidates need a clear, even-googleable, position on 100 of nuanced issues and even well informed voters can’t remember what happened before so-and-so dropped out. meanwhile the other side has a nomination convention that produces a platform of … “support-the-leader”. it’s kinda telling that the are too many issues to debate at any given time. simplifying the message to be about decency and unity is a grunching reasonable theme that i can see a lot of speechwriters adopt.

i guess what i kinda wish the message was more about what does a decent man do when police brutality breaks out on the streets, or when people consider it inconvenient to protect their own communities from covid.

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The problem is that decency and unity is eating your veggies, racism, fear and otherizing people is a perfect prime rib, a $500 bottle of wine and a 2lb piece of cake at the end. Our side needs something to actually excite people rather than just settling for being decent.


The GOP is like playing the lottery for these people. They absolutely know they aren’t going to win, and that they shouldn’t do it, but at least they can feel something while they dream.