2020 Post-Election Thread

you meant THE KLOB but yeah

Because I’ve tracked what people do here and frankly I have one 100% data point, me. I’ve been volunteering for the NDP for 20 years to total of thousands of hours.

I’d be shocked if victaor made the top 25% of posters. He is pure internet tough guy.

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Wait so you’re angleshooting?

I meant a single candidate this past election and said ‘probably’ Skydiver.

Oh lol if that’s all you mean I have no idea. I thought you were trying to claim victaor is some kind of huge direct action on the ground organizer guy.

For example, I’d put line on the number of protests he has attended lifetime at 0.5 and take the under.

Snap call over? It’s not easy where he lives but this is an easy one. If Victor lived in my neighborhood he would have been to over ten this year.

I know for sure he’s been to a sports riot.

This I buy 100%. He is totally that guy.

a) as someone emotionally invested in Bernie winning at the time, it did feel dirty to have the D establishment line up against him

b) when you are running ads and using rhetoric basically saying most industries in America are a disgrace, you have to be prepared for pushback. And the pushback was relatively tame, all things considered… Imo, what each side stood for was relatively clear and the voters just weren’t Feeling the Burn…

The establishment has never been as vulnerable to attack as it was in 2020 and he couldn’t capitalize…

Sounds like we’re purity testing Victor


Victor’s action radicalized me and forced me to work tirelessly for Mayor Pete


You see that’s the thing. They’re not great at political takes (minus Matt) and they’re not really all that funny anymore. It’s been a while since I listened to an entire episode in its entirety.

They honestly might be better off breaking up and going their own way.

don’t they make like 200k a month on Patreon? They’re not going anywhere as long as they can keep anything close to that going.

Wasn’t talking financially.

Though given their disdain for capitalism it’s hard to take them seriously if they’re doing this solely for the paycheck.

I don’t think Pete dropping out and the establishment consolidating behind Biden was unethical.


I don’t think it was unethical for the Democratic Party leadership to largely pull together to work against the nomination of someone they didn’t want either. That doesn’t mean that’s not what happened and that the Party doesn’t suck ass.



But yeah, that was blistering.

The primary thread was locked whereas I assumed we were waiting until now for a proper post mortem.

It absolutely was. Primaries are supposed to allow people to choose their candidate. But that was subverted when the Democrats manipulated the system to make sure the guy they wanted got the nomination.

It showed that primaries are merely an illusion of choice. The reality is that the party can alter the rules in such a way that they can pick whoever they want, thus permanently banishing progressives from becoming major politicians in America no matter who votes for who. Might as well go back to not having them.

Well-paid entertainers’ opinions are less serious than poorly paid ones?


the dude diminishes himself