2020 Post-Election Thread

Obviously I have no way to prove any of my assumptions but I don’t have a second doubt when you, pocketchads, cuse, tabaker etc talk about your good work because you all seem like good honest people.

I simply don’t think victoar is a good person. He has shown himself over and over as a bad person and bad people lie. Maybe I’d lose money if I could bet against his actually being engaged in politics beyond posting on the internet but I’d bet against it.

Anyway, no need to keep this going. I have him on ignore. I just got set off when I (mistakenly) thought 6ix was claiming victaor was among the most politically active people on the forum.

People who lie usually do it to gain some advantage, not to have 90% of a forum shit on them.


Fair point.

He has?


Chapo was engaging more in activism and using their platform early on especially during the primaries.

Now it’s largely restricted to people complaining about shit. I got UP for that. Chapo was enjoyable as it was a political comedy podcast. It’s why I switched from Pod Save America to them.

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agreed but this was getting ridiculous

This was just posted by the deplorable I’ve mentioned here before:

There is no 'Office of the President elect There never was, it’s a made up entity garnered to create illusion.
President Trump has been, is, and will be President for another 4 years. The truth is despised by the left. Leftist media does not report the truth, they only spew illusional garbage to further their Socialistic agenda.

I commented changing the wording to be about how the Chiefs didn’t win the superbowl last year, but in fact the Vikings did (he’s a huge Vikings fan), and he hit me with “you’re such a minion, I feel genuinely sorry for you”.

These people are out of their fucking minds.

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I think both assertions in this sentence are untrue (or not wholly true, at least). I don’t think Victor’s a bad person, no matter how many times he’s told me to fuck off. Misguided and politically naive, maybe, but not bad or evil. Also, I know lots of bad people who don’t lie, and lots of good people who do.

Glad to see this argument is still going after I took 2 days off from posting, though! :roll_eyes:


Getting back on track, sounds like Jaime Harrison will be the new DNC chair. I don’t know shit about him other than they chose him to run against Lindsey and he is supported by Clyburn.

Based off that I assume WAAF and are going to get crushed in 2022. Thoughts?

it’s ebbed and flowed

Can we excise this Victoar fight stuff? Victoar is fine with me even if he is petty and attacks lots of people, but people attack him back and I think you all just need to stop being assholes and focus on working together.

Victoar stop taking dumb petty potshots and people, and people stop randomly attacking Victoar. The end.


I came to comment on the David Shor article. I do recall how this entire forum was all over his article before the election and how great everyone thought it was. He’s a socialist, who recognizes reality. I think everyone here should read it again.

Also, this is a super long thread, but I also think it’s worth the read, as it talks about a lot of the same things. I saw a lot of this in CA-50, as well.


We made the big mistake of relying on ticket-splitting (both in Trump states and in Biden states) when people are doing that less and less. When candidates in moderate districts get tied to a national narrative like “defund the police”, they lose.

You all opined on Joe Manchin up thread…we can recognize the value of Manchin and hate his policies. It comes down now to the ratio of replacement value to policies, and I think we’re to the point where we need to start recognizing that ratios of RV/P > 1 MUST be the way forward. It will hurt a lot of us, because so many here are unwilling to compromise on policy, but until we fucking WIN, policy means jack shit.

ETA: it does not matter how stupid WE think voters’ criticisms of our policies are.


He worked for Clyburn, was Chair of the South Carolina Dems and Associate Chair of the DNC (after taking a run for the Chair position in 2017).

He also went to Yale, has a JD from Georgetown and has worked as a lobbyist for The Podesta Group.

So, smart dude, should know how to raise $ (even if a lot of his donations this cycle just came from people who wanted to beat Graham, he knew how to harness that energy). Very much a product of the system. Maybe he’ll drive a slightly better digital strategy, but he’s probably not going to make folks around here happy from an ideological perspective.


It’s not about ideology, it’s about competency. Nobody expects a progressive to run the DNC chair. What we want is competency that will make Republicans look bad, suppress their vote, run great digital, get these campaigns in the senate and house to run good campaigns on popular platforms.

You gotta work with progressives. You don’t need to do that by attacking them. You can be moderate without hating on popular policies.

Push popular policies, and just get on the fucking attack. Push back on bad faith attacks from Republicans. Just fucking win. If he does those things I’ll be happy.

But if he goes with " we lost because progressives and we need to attack them more and move to the right " I’m done voting for them.


And we don’t need people who can raise money from fucking corporations. Small money donors SWAMP wall street money. I read somewhere Biden got like 70 million from wall street /corporations and 400 million from small donors.

We’re selling out popular policies for fucking fraction of the money we can raise from small donors.


This is such a good point. Biden could have taken zero corporate dollars and still outraised trump.


I found the whole article depressing. He’s a socialist but a realist in the realization that Clinton 3rd way triangulation is the furthest left that’s possible, and the only progress is through massive party control over messaging to get into power and do some accounting tricks at the margins.

I mean he’s probably right but endless culture war bullshit stasis just to keep our heads just above water sucks, and even then we probably drown.

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Then he should talk about his actions. Only coming here to take a dump in the middle of the forum and flipping everyone the bird while shouting insults doesn’t make for particularly interesting posting.


Here’s the thing: What I know is that he is very fond of words like shitlib. I know literally zero about the work he has done. I don’t think that’s 100% one me. I believe you when you say he does great work. He should talk about that. That might be interesting to read about. Him throwing around insults and picking fights is not what I am looking for in this forum.

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