2020 Post-Election Thread



Lol. The rest of the comments on her tweet are nutso. Everyone turning off fake news and tuning into Newsmax. They legitimately still think Trump is going to win.

People still take chapo seriously?

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I boiled the egg, how is this supposed to help me understand? Your hyperboles are worse than the Holocaust.


Does she have thoughts on the Trump poker boom? How to play ducks short stacked? How does God feel about gambling?

I think I may have messed up because I ate it.


2016 showed that a populist movement can wrest control of a major party from its establishment. 2020 showed that someone like Bernie Sanders is a poor vehicle for doing that to the Democratic Party.

2016 showed that a populist movement that doesn’t threaten capital can wrest control away. Our capitalist overlords aren’t scared of the fascism.

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Biden didn’t win because “capital” conspired against Bernie Sanders. It was there for the taking and he didn’t get enough votes. Biden’s policy agenda contains all kinds of stuff that “capital” hates.


I wasn’t going to weigh into this recent stupidity but this is absolute nonsense.

First sentence had a good chance of being true. I’m sure you agree with the “He’s trolling” part. We can quibble about the rest.

Zero chance first sentence is correct.

It was not there for the taking. “Didn’t get enough votes” is dumb. He partly didn’t get enough votes because Warren and Pete decided to be good soldiers and drop out ridiculously early and then despite Biden winning just one state pretty much everyone called the race. That, and, not getting enough votes is a lol criticism. Trump got a lot of votes. Getting a lot of votes can easily mean you are a piece of shit.

And, “capital” is not unified. Oil companies give money to Republicans. Wall St. and Law Firms give money to Democrats. Health insurance gives to both.

And, there are not all kinds of stuff that capital hates in Biden’s “agenda”.


I wish there was a way to bet on this.

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The bigger picture is that Bernie didn’t fail to win the nomination because he was somehow cheated out of it.

which part?

oh, ummm


No or I would shovel my net worth onto it.

Why are you so sure?

Cheat? You mean by like ballot stuffing? Essentially no one thinks that.