2020 Post-Election Thread

Not that anyone is disagreeing with me right now, but the Chapo position on Trump is totally illogical and inconsistent. We all agree the system is completely broken, and Trump can’t possibly make things worse for anyone (?!) and he has no power to do any fascism because of I guess norms and the nobility of Republicans?

The impetus for Chapo’s Trump position pretty much boils down to not wanting to align with Democrats and Rachel Maddow on anything, but the Dems happen to be correct this time!


I liked your post even though I liked 6ix’s post because it was good other than being directed toward a thing 6ix didn’t really say as far as I can tell. Which you two have resolved now it looks like. carry on.


What exactly is the chapo position?

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Yeah I misunderstood his post :expressionless:

generally reflexive disagreement with the mainstream center-left. Sometimes it’s great because the center-left is wrong, sometimes it’s awful because the center-left is right.

Connected to this is that the Dems are just as happy as the GOP to have the locus of political discussion and popular angst be on culture war and wedge issues. Just as both parties were equally happy to have POTUS BOWL 2020 be a referendum on Trump rather than on the broader systemic issues that brought us to this point. The assuaging of guilt feeling works on both Dem & GOP supporters.


I think it’s fair to say Chapo’s collective opinion on Trump is that the fasicist/autocrat argument against him is way overblown and has been a tool used by the Democrats to bludgeon everyone into voting for them because they would rather do that than do any popular progressive economic policies.

It might be true that the Dems would rather fear monger over Trump than adopt better policies, but they are still correct that Trump is really bad, and Chapo is wrong in arguing that he isn’t


That they (LibDems) should forevermore tapdance upon the heads of those who agree with them 80% of the time (Labour) about the 20% of issues about which they do not agree, whilst the other side (Tories) keeps winning election after election and points and laughs at their drunken antics. In other words, victoar.

Rinse, repeat.

Yep, to the extent Russiagate was overblown, it was because we were conspiratarding on how Putin may have blackmailed Trump, why else would Trump fawn all over Putin and trip over himself to avoid ever criticizing him???

The truth was somehow worse! Trump genuinely admired Putin and wanted to emulate him, they are natural allies!


Who are you classifying as mainstream center-left? The Democratic Party? Asking for clarification and understanding of your position.

If so, I can see that being true in the sense that they are left relative to the GOP, but from a view that extends beyond the current USA politics overton window, the Dems are a center-right party based upon who has the power within the party and the policies that they advance.


Has anyone here played poker with Anna Khait? She claims to be a former professional poker player but she seems like she’s cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.





The American center-left. Take Pod Save America as a proxy.


It’s similar to the russiagate stance.


Hillary sucks (true)

Hillary and her supporters want to blame Russia and not own up to their shortcomings (true)

I want them to own up and not blame Russia therefore russiagate isnt real (…um wait)


Untracked euro sites

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Actually, I believe she claimed to be a live cash game grinder in Atlantic City who played more online after it became legal in NJ.

That’s from his mock trial and I’ve said that 90% of my belief system can be summed by the entirety of that speech (exaggerating a bit, there’s a good amount of Kurt Vonnegut and James Baldwin in the mix).

I played with her in a cash game at borgata before she became “famous”. She was genuinely nice and seemed cool back then. She has since become an insane, ultra religious Trump nutjob.


I would add that Chapo is especially terrible at analyzing electoral politics. You know, the part where you actually gain power.

Note that when Bernie lost they instantly pivoted from “he’s gonna do it” to “it was rigged.” Well, if it was so obvious the eDems were going to collude to nuke Bernie, why didn’t he have a plan to fight that? You don’t get to say “my guy is popular and will win” then instantly go with “it was rigged from the start.” It is lazy and the opposite of helpful to anyone.


These tweets are best read in Molly Shannon’s voice in her character from the “Dog Show” sketches