2020 Post-Election Thread

Willie Brown today is known as a former mayor who dated Kamala Harris. In his prime as Speaker of the Assembly in California he was a giant force, more powerful than the governor. He had a huge campaign fund, effectively the source of money for CA assembly candidates. In return for the money he demanded loyalty. For Republicans, Brown was the devil. They wanted him gone more than anything. The state was still competitive then. Republicans got elected governor. They were close in the Assembly. Brown ruled for a long time.

Not well known is how Willie Brown first got the job of speaker. The tradition was the party would have a private vote to pick the leader, then vote as a block in the public vote. That was just a norm though which Brown didn’t need. In 1980 the Democrats had a fierce battle for Speaker between Howard Berman and Leo McCarthy. Berman was winning. Then Willie Brown got creative:

Unbeknownst to all but a handful of Brown’s Democratic friends – and most of them did not know all of the details – Willie Brown was negotiating with the Republicans. Horrified at the prospect of Berman as Speaker, the Republicans began to see Brown as an alternative.

Brown actually began talking with the Republicans in the summer of 1980, participants say. The talks were kept very secret. Brown, after all, was still McCarthy’s second-in-command.

There would be endless arguments in the years ahead about who agreed to what. But for now, the Republicans were satisfied.

Why did Republicans cut a deal with Brown?

“We really believed that Willie would self-destruct,” said former Assemblywoman Carol Hallett, who was the Republican Minority Leader presiding over negotiations with Brown. “We really felt that Willie’s flamboyant approach would get him into so much trouble with his own caucus that he wouldn’t last. And we were certainly wrong on that one.”

The most conservative of the Republicans had been elected two years earlier – dubbed the “Proposition 13 babies” – and they had no memory of Brown’s heavy-handedness as Ways & Means chairman. If anything, they liked his style.

Berman was in shock. The speakership fight would have to come to the Assembly floor where he was in for a bigger shock. On the floor, 28 Republicans voted for Brown, for a total of 51 votes to Berman’s 24.

“This could not happen and therefore I just assumed this would not happen,” Berman said this year, still incredulous. “What I never believed was that Willie --Willie Brown, the San Francisco liberal-left activist legislator – could get that hard-core Republican vote to go for him.”

But Willie Brown did just that. And now he owned the place.

Many years later the Republicans got a slim majority in the Assembly and with it their prize of outing Brown as Speaker. Only Brown convinced 2 GOP members to vote his way and Brown remained Speaker of the Assembly while Democrats were the minority.

Can history repeat itself? The margins are closer. All the republicans + the expanded squad = AOC, Speaker of the House.

It’s unlikely but I could see Republicans thinking it would work out great for them.






still agree with whatever poster that said Manchin has the highest VAR (value about replacement) of any Senator

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Every political bright light in the city turned out last weekend for the 50th birthday party honoring Jack Davis–one of the most powerful and feared operatives in San Francisco. Mayor Willie Brown, 49ers’ President Carmen Policy, Dist. Atty. Terence > Hallinan, Sheriff Michael Hennessy, the president of the Board of Supervisors, even an assemblywoman celebrated this milestone with the man who is running the ballot effort for a $525-million stadium complex.

And then there was the entertainment, all in the flesh: Male and female strippers. A 300-pound sadomasochist performing a live sex act. A leather-clad woman carving a pentagram into the back of a scantily clad man–and that was before her act really took off.

Most city officials are declining to comment on the party, other than to say they left early or were far from the large stage when live sex acts, most of them unprintable, took place. “This is beyond anything that would have happened at a birthday party for anybody in San Francisco,” said Jim Ross, head of the Committee to Stop the Giveaway, which is fighting the stadium effort. “I have people that I consider extraordinarily liberal calling me up, just disgusted with it. . . . The conference of mayors is here in two weeks. If you’re a mayor in a Republican city, what do you do?”

I lived in SF when this party happened. Everyone claimed to have only spent a few minutes then left. It was hilarious. SF Gate had a cartoon about it that was amazing. Seems to not be on the interwebs.

AOC seems to be going full DGAF lately


Thank god. I hope she tells them she will burn it all down if they dont fucking work with progressives instead of against them. I’m ready for it.

That said her hating on Manchin probably helps him. Though I hope hes just messaging to win the special elections. Hes drawing dead in the next Senate race.

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“True North Law” in MO, and the email address is for “thor”, which is not the guy’s name.

Seems kinda aryan, or comic-booky, or both.


BTW, the Court of Federal Claims mainly handles tort claims against the US Govt, like if you get run over by a drunken park ranger.

Also, they designated it as a contract case.

Again, the dude went door to door, for days, to defeat Trump. What have you done recently?


Oh, I think they’ll probably have a hearing. But they’re not confirming anyone or advancing it to the floor.

not sure why you’re laughing at me when you apparently agree with me? Good talk.



Dumb as fucking rocks


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… Unfortunately playing dumb while not actually being dumb is a legit career path. I knew it was, I just didn’t realize how many of them were in high positions.

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I officially like Kamala even less, and I already knew she was a prosecutor. Who fucking cares? Why pass this?

If Feinstein says she’s retiring tomorrow and it turns out Kamala got her to leave with a ‘one last bill and we’ll all give you a standing ovation’ I’ll be very happy. That’s the only scenario where this is OK at this moment in time. Looks terrible because it objectively is terrible.

People are dying. Even in LA nobody cared in the slightest if the Senate recognized sportsball teams.

Fuck my lawnmower is in orbit over this piddling bullshit. I hate 2020.


lol dat ratio

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This General has seen enough



Called it lol.

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So … resignation coming soon? THAT’LL SHOW THEM.

Nah that’s the job I was talking about when I said the next round in the clip was identical. This isn’t something he can fire his way out of. If that guy said that yesterday (and I’m 90% of the way to confirming he did) Trump does not have the backing of the military. Without that he’s done. Every chance he has absolutely requires them to at least stand by. The end of that was him saying they’d fight.

But he’s been done for almost a week now. He’s just got the GOP by the balls and is making them take him places he wants to be so that his bubble doesn’t pop yet.


Nah, that is the head of the non-civilian division of the military that Trump cannot fuck with for some reason (don’t ask me how it works).

Clearly pissed about Trump firing his military buddies and non-sense in general, and is telling Trump “just fucking try to stay on past Jan. 20, 2021, I would LOVE to see you try it…”