2020 Post-Election Thread

Yeah it was super super not subtle. It’ll sail over Trumps head (and he might even interpret it 180 degrees from how it was meant) but Bill Barr definitely isn’t confused.

You may recognize that guy from having a tortured face during many of Trump’s most unhinged White House ramblings.




He looks like he’s in the middle stages of dying from dysentery in that shot squatting over a toilet. That is the face of someone experiencing real trauma in that moment. That guy fantasizes about killing Trump every day.


Sounds like he’s saying “fuck around and find out.”


This is a weird take. This kind of symbolic shit is always part of holding office. I’m guessing this represents less than 10 minutes of actual work. People are not dying because of this!

And I couldn’t care less about sports.

The fact that it’s a part of the political process at all and that they calculate that it’s important for them to do is disturbing

Ok sure but this is one that isn’t unique to America. Every politician on earth does this kind of thing.

Fixing this would be really really far down my list of things that need correction in the US.

It’s the timing and the optics that flow from that. This is the kind of thing you do when things are quasi normal. When you do it when things aren’t normal it makes you look dangerously out of touch. Which you are because you’re doing normal shit as a high level member of government during the start of the bad part of a pandemic.

You can do whatever you want. What you don’t have the right to do is criticize him for “not doing anything,” when in fact, he did something, and you did not.


If your position was that they will hold a hearing but will not advance any Biden nominees to the floor, then I misunderstood your position.

There are countless people whose lives will immediately improve in a concrete way the moment Biden takes office. The dreamers are but one example. There are many others. GTFO with your “bothsidesarethesame” bs.


saying that knocking doors for joe biden won’t improve anyone’s life is a bullshit argument you can say about literally anything


They’ll hold a hearing and vote on the nominee, which is what I said. I don’t know if they’ll advance it to the floor or confirm the nominee. Probably depends a lot on the nominee.

Do you think he believes he’s helping? Honestly it’s pretty shitty to lol at someone who is genuinely trying to help people. If you earnestly believe he isn’t helping anyone and you have ideas for how he could help people, maybe you should talk to him about that in a way that isn’t you mocking him or whatever?

Just an incredibly shitty and uncharitable line to take against someone who is trying in good faith to help people


Victor is genuinely trying to help people.

He’s not succeeding at it, that’s for sure.


I am aware of Victor’s politics and mostly agree with him. He isn’t accomplishing anything by shitposting about people who are sincerely trying to improve society


Whatever you say I guess lol

Shame works?