2020 Post-Election Thread

Because otherwise there would be too much outrage at the breaking of that norm, and they would expect to be punished electorally. Is that the logic?

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You’re right. Lo siento. I got the starting point wrong. All my posts in here are tinged with wrongness.

eta: I did lose a pint of blood today. I feel fine, but I’ll blame it on that anyway.


The Court is lost until we have the legislative votes for court packing. The move is to have Breyer retire pending a replacement on 1/22/21 and announce the NY AG or some similar nominee that Mitch will never, ever confirm.

Todo bien and thanks for donating.

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This has been clear ever since Gorsuch got blocked. We’re not getting any new justices in a Dem administration so I guess we just hope the liberals on the court outlive the other side and defend the ACA with 3-2 rulings. And also hope the Rs never win a presidential election.

There shouldn’t be like 100 posts about this. Who did we want as COS that would be able to do a good job from Jan 21 on and would be “acceptable?”

This dude went door to door for days in the tipping point state of the presidential election. WTF did you do other than post on the internet about how pure you were for not voting for Biden?


Just another Wall Street owned EDEm telling us lies, amirite @■■■■■■■?


Lol. Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddd.

Fox & Fiends and foxnews.com are going out of their minds this morning about Biden’s RADICAL shift to the left



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Even money bet that if there’s a supreme court vacancy in the first two years there’s a judiciary hearing for the nominated judge? How much you want?

When I went to Lenin’s Tomb in 1991, Vict0ar refused to go in with me. I asked him if he was afraid of seeing a dead body, but he replied, “No, I’m just not going to spend even one minute giving my attention to a center-right corporate stooge.”


There should be compromises, but having exactly two opposing teams means you only get to compromise or choose on an entire platform. Look at you. You’re apparently some kind of economically radical socially conservative religious person. You could vote for a party or individual that wanted to raise the minimum wage and to ban abortions. That party or individual could vote with progressives on wages and conservatives on reproductive choice.

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Did you know Karl Marx did an internship at McKinsey? Boo!


Lenin was right wing.

eta: changed clips because that version cut off early


I think it’s far more important to choose competent experienced people who are somewhat progressive in the Biden administration over those who match your ideology as all the departments of the government have been run into the ground, taking over from Trump you need to have connections to restore the functions of the government and that will be a monumental task alone. If you want to shuffle after 2 years that’s fine, but rebuilding the government by getting competent people under them and getting them to do what has to be done is going to be a bigger chore than changing the direction.