2020 Post-Election Thread

Guys trust me, you’ll have plenty of legitimate sources of outrage, save some powder.


No one is outraged here. Someone just thought they could come in here with some kind of a burn “LOOK YOU STUPID BERNIE-BRO DIRTBAGS, BIDEN IS DOING PROGRESSIVE STUFF!!!.”

eta: paraphrasing


Ya, but hes the most progressive asbestos lawyer


I like how people ITT were expecting Harvey Milk or some shit.

Klain has a long history with Biden, so they can hit the ground running together. He knows his shit. And while I haven’t researched his entire life’s history, I at least feel confident that he is more liberal than his resume may make him look, just based on his TV appearances in the past year. One thing that is right in his wheelhouse is how to handle a pandemic and we need all hands on deck in that regard right now.


This lol… It’s like the Kavanaugh skit on SNL, you guys are starting at an 11 and you’re going to take it to a 14 real quick. He’s going to nominate Republicans to cabinet posts. Leave room for that.

Don’t forget Kasich. Gotta save some rage for that one, too.

CoS to Janet Reno and worked on the crime bill.


Later, Mr. Klain served as Counselor and Chief of Staff to Attorney General Janet Reno. As such, he advised Ms. Reno on numerous legal and policy matters, and coordinated the administration-wide effort to craft and win passage of the President’s Crime Bill, and the ban on semi-automatic assault weapons.

When he does is someone going to start the outrage off with a post about how the Republicans are progressive champions?


Nobody, especially people on the left, were expecting Harvey Milk. But if you serve me a plate of luke warm centrist, and insist it’s a bowl of Progressive soup. Imma stop you right there and point out what’s going on.


AOC ain’t asking Biden to do her work for her. Biden isn’t a Democratic Socialist and no one is asking him to be one or act like one.

She is simply asking to the be viewed as a partner in a coalition and not a threat (the way Nancy Pelosi/Rahm Emanuel types do).

AOC short term goals in going HAM for Biden:

  1. avoid imminent right wing fascism (check)
  2. foster an environment where her movement can be nurtured and continue to grow

Seems like she thinks Klain is a good sign for #2


lol, you think these guys will ever turn their fire toward the right?


We’re already talking about Biden



That’s kind of the big problem right there though, the immensely low bar among most Biden voters arising from a constant sliding overton window. I’m sure if Biden coasts through first term really well from an economic recovery perspective (ie. GDP, conventional measures of unemployment) whilst filling his entire cabinet with Northeast Republicans then his approval rating will be 90% among Dem voters, thus sliding left wing discourse further into being a topic of the fringes.


I’m aiming my fire to the right, right now. Not my fault Klain and Biden are to the right of me.


Such a shitty post. I hate Trump at least twice as much as you do.


Yeah, we get it.

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The royal “we”?


@anon10396289 at one point you had a take that if Biden had a SCOTUS nominee under a GOP Senate in the first half of his term that the GOP would confirm him, because the political blowback would be too great otherwise.

Are you sticking with that?

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Wait how exactly do you think this discussion started?

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I think I said that they would hold a hearing and have a vote. I still think that.