2020 Post-Election Thread

I’m pretty sure Klain is keenly aware that working with Cocaine Mitch on anything is a fantasy, he’s probably one of the better CoS choices for divided government


Lol victaor.

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Rotfl your timing is perfect. Look two posts up. Lolololololol

Never heard of Klain. I’ll take AOC’s word for it, but his resume is pretty standard Dem, not like some Justice Democrat or anything. Al Gore’s CoS. Lobbyist for Fannie Mae. Advisor to Wesley Clark. Executive VP at a venture capital firm. CoS to VP Biden. General council at an investment firm. I’m glad he’s such a competent, experienced guy and he must be somewhat progressive for AOC to like him. But, maybe you guys are making him out a little bit different than he is.



I’m not trying to be a buzzkill/shit on the quality work of forum members but we don’t really know why AOC supported that. She may actually be relieved that it is the ‘most progressive’ of the three candidates mentioned as MysteryConman’s post suggests. This I think is the sad reality for many Left americans - that they are Left members of what is surely the most economically conservative country on Earth.

Biden’s election is obviously a victory in getting Trump removed but if I was an American I would be super depressed anyway. As long as the institutions of their government/electoral system, widespread socialised racism/sexism/classism (which manifests in and detrimentally affects a huge % of people in the country to some level) and glorification of brutal capitalism (the ‘American Dream’ isn’t at all about rights to healthcare, equal rights etc but rather just becoming billionaires) exist then there isn’t much hope andddd the Republicans will continue to operate at a HUGE electoral/popular support advantage (in getting huge vote % when they so blatantly don’t represent the interests of any but a tiny majority of the country). The situation we face in Australia isn’t much better (and we are seeing the right wing governing party slide slowly toward the Trumpian anti-democratic/fake news fascism) but at least we have a left third party that gets 10% of the vote and may one day have some more input in political decision making.

I feel like any substantive change comes from massive grassroots activism a la BLM which was one of the few times I felt hope watching America in my short lifetime.


AOC tweeted out the equivalent of a head pat “you’re a good dog(Biden)”.

Well, then I stand corrected. KLAIN IS THE PROGRESSIVE CHOICE!!!

Moving Biden to the left will require viewing the world as a place where it’s possible to be left of AOC.


I mean we’re not allowed to disagree with AOC because she’s the most progressive person to ever live

  1. Jesus Christ (obviously an anarchist - LOL at Christian conservatives)
  2. AOC
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Of course you are but so far as evidence of his being a good choice we have the AP article and AOC. On the other side we have victors revelation that he and his wife both worked for (gasp) non profit foundations one of which has a name he doesn’t like.

One would think if AOC supports something a progressive would want good reason not too.

He was also an asbestos lobbyist.

Klain is a former partner in the Washington law and lobbying firm O’Melveny & Myers. At the firm, Klain’s lobbying clients included Fannie Mae, U.S. Airways, Time Warner and the Coalition for Asbestos Resolution, a business group that sought government help resolving asbestos lawsuits, Senate lobbying records show.

You are one of the few people who needs to watch more cable news. Klein has been on Hayes/Maddow/CNN plenty of times. Seems reasonably progressive.


Oh jesus. Asbestos lawyers/lobbyists in several infamous Australian lawsuits were basically WOAT people. WOO

Asbestos for some, tiny American flags for others.


I don’t really doubt that he is reasonably progressive, especially in social things.

I like Hayes and Maddow alright. I really can’t stand cable news though, regardless of the content. The structure, noise, something about it I’m at a loss to describe properly is extremely grating.


If someone tweets a concern troll at Bernie about M4A that is the equivalent of “BUt hOw WilL YoU pAy For iT???” while living in a country that spends more on healthcare per capita than any other…

Can that person be genuinely described as progressive:

  • Yes. Heck, George W Bush is kinda progressive if you squint your eyes.
  • No

0 voters

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Replied YES because I laughed at the description.


Great on social issues!


In before we’re accused of saying Ron Klain is the same as Mark Meadows, Mick Mulvaney, John Kelly, and Reince Priebus.

But…lol…wikipedia lists Ron Klain as the CoS right now with -69 days in office.

eta: I checked and they still list Trump as POTUS.

That article seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting for you. It quotes zero progressive individuals or groups stating that Klain was a progressive choice, let alone a good one.

Cable news is horrible, find it adds negative value to my life/understanding. Don’t need some jackass talking heads dragging out facts I can learn from reading a news article into 30 minutes of non-sense.