2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Over what time period? Over the last few decades, crime absolutely has fallen everywhere.. Over shorter periods you can squint and see spikes.

Yes the boomers were the nut low through their entire lifecycle. We are all aware.

I was talking about the early 90s to now, where crime Fe hard on macro level but left some places behind. Ironically often because of the police going full militarized.

All depends on where you live. I’ve seen/heard hundreds of Steyer adds across tv/web/radio.

Steyer has been spending gobs of money on ads.


538 has an ad spending tracker and Open Secrets shows the Steyer and Bloomberg campaigns have about as much cash on hand as Trump does, ~$200 million, with Bernie in 4th with $107 million.

Steyer has spent close to $200 million, bloomberg is almost at $400 million

I think this article is from before Bloomberg entered the race. So basically Bloomberg has outspent him in less time.

Just an anecdote but the Mets forum likes Bloomberg. I wonder how the Chiefs forum feels about him.

I took one for the team.

Some people think it’s funny the Dems like an old white billionaire. Some people think he’s Hitler and wants to kill everyone. Some people use racial slurs to describe the conspiracies they believe he’s engaging in to take over the world.

Some are just sick of the ads.

I live in Canada, so I can’t do those things.

Pretty disgusting to see all the OP Ed’s hate on Bernie. I mean wtf. I get their audience is old people who probably dont like Bernie but it really does feel like they have an agenda.

Does Bernie hate really drive up views and clicks for them? I recommend nobody hate reads that garbage

This is probably the greatest chance ever for an election to have an electoral tie

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That map is four more years, and thus a lifetime presidency for Donald J. Trump.

I thought the house picks if it is tied?

They do. But not the way you’d like them to.

not following, you mean democrats in the house pick trump over bernie?

In the event of a tie, each state’s US House delegation gets one vote. So, for example, California goes 45-6 for the Dem, and that’s one vote for the Dem. Alabama goes 6-1 for Trump, one vote for Trump.

It’d be poetic if our democratic republic crumbled because the founders had massive fancy play syndrome and had to put in one more little undemocratic advantage for the rural areas.

Edited to add: the delegations are currently 26-23-1 in favor of the GOP.


OK, but Steyer has still way outspent the non-Bloomberg candidates and has almost nothing to show for it.

I’m really skeptical that a fundamentally unelectable candidate can get there with a mega ad blitz. Who’s knocking on doors for Bloomberg? Who’s going to Bloomberg rallies?

It would mean the destruction of the party. It’s going to be fucking fascinating either way.

Haha we love our constitution folks

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