2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

wisconsin is 87% white.

I feel like thereā€™s a version of the Constitution hidden somewhere under some freemasons building that just says:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, do hereby declare LOL FUCK YOU!

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I can just see an election night results watching party where it ends up 269-269 and someone yells out, ā€œThe House decides! YAY!!!ā€ and Iā€™m the one dude sobbing in the corner who knows how that actually works.



So Dems can win the popular vote by a couple million. Tie the electoral college. Have more overall votes in the House and still lose the presidency.

FYP, yep. They could even take the Senate, too.


Dems have already won the popular and electoral vote and lost the Presidency, although they kinda won it too because everybody running was in the same party.


Itā€™s actually even more complicated because itā€™s the incoming house, not the existing house, that decides, but yeah, I agree that in the event of a 269-269 tie, the dems are not going to control a majority of state delegations.

Ah, but if they take the senate then they might get the vice presidency. (Iā€™m going to have to double check my memory of how that works).

Edit: Yep, checked, thatā€™s how it works, Senate picks the Vice President.

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The more I think about it the eDems are completely fucked. Their firewall is Mike Fucking Bloomberg, a literal Republican oligarch who also happens to be five feet tall and viscerally repellent to actual humans.

Unless Bernie gets MLKā€™d the establishment will bend the knee.

Itā€™d be extremely toughā€¦ Like right now we are in a dominant position in the House, we control the Iowa delegation evenā€¦ But itā€™s still 26-23-1 against. Looking it over, if we took the tie Ā¶, itā€™s 26-24 and we need to flip twoā€¦ I think our best chance are states like North Dakota and Montana with only one representative elected statewide, thatā€™s how dire it is. The GOP just owns that tiebreaker forever and ever.

Yep. We could have a Trump-Sanders administration. Every day would be like:

Trump: Youā€™re fired!
Sanders: You canā€™t do that, youā€™re a yuuuuuge idiot!

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Trump continues to poll well in deplorableville aka Florida.

Do the Steyer numbers include what he spent on ā€œNeed to Impeachā€ before he declared?

I really doubt it. A lot of people would be extremely unhappy, but a lot of people would just say those are the rules. A lot of people would say itā€™s fair because it shows a majority donā€™t want Bernie and heā€™s not a Democrat anyway and the biggest group of people will hardly know or care.

Disagree. If they permanently lose 5% of their base they are irrelevant as a national party.

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Itā€™d be the effective destruction of the party because in any brokered convention weā€™re likely to lose to Trump, ushering in one party rule.

Theyā€™ll just go harder after another group. Parties do this all the time. Maybe they forget a little bit about reproductive rights or guns or something.

Although many of them would probably be fine with being the permanent minority party. Idk.

I donā€™t think that tracks either. If they could snap their fingers and expand their base I would think theyā€™d have already done that.