2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Crime rates fell everywhere. Gentrification happened everywhere. Crime fell in LA where community policing was embraced and broken window policies abandoned (results of oversight after abuse). Bloomberg will surely continue to get credit because God damn this country loves busting heads, but it’s unearned.

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I don’t disagree… but I think it’s fair to say that LA has gone through quite a bit of gentrification as well right?

If you remove the poor people from an area crime falls. The problem in 2021 is that the way we did that was to force them to leave instead of uplifting them to the same economic level as their neighbors.

And let’s be really clear crime rates fell nationwide and in most places, but definitely not everywhere. In quite a few places that are majority minority they stayed the same or got worse.

I’m not denying crime and poverty are linked, just that Bloomberg doesn’t deserve credit.

Oh yeah no I’m not trying to give him credit. I’m trying to explain his thinking. He, as a mayor, was trying to make his city look like his idea of an ideal city… and in that vision there were no poor people almost at all. Stop and frisk made life extremely unpleasant for a community that was disproportionately poor. That was a feature not a bug.

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I’m likely not a good measure for these kinds of things due to being a little odd and out-of-touch with the mainstream, but his adds come across to me as very awkward and even cringeworthy.

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I think what a lot of us are relieved about is that it seems like Biden is donezo. If we have to have a dem E, it has to be an anybody but Biden situation at this point.




FACT CHECK: bernie sanders is a US senator from the northeast


Bernie at least was a middle class mayor though, so Pete not far off.

I didn’t realize I lived in the industrial Midwest. Where’s my diner expose in the NYT?

The more I think about the potential of Bloomberg winning, the more I think that he’d also be the end of American democracy. Instead of a fascist authoritarian regime, he’d usher in a never-ending string of freely elected oligarchs.

Once all the multi-billionaires know they can buy the election and know the price tag, there will always be one doing it, and they’ll almost always win.

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Trump to Bloomberg certainly wouldn’t be a good sign.

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You guys who think billionaires can just buy these elections really need to explain Steyer’s polling numbers.

I’m saying if Bloomberg wins with his strategy, that’ll be what it proves. Steyer’s a billionaire. Bloomberg’s a billionaire. He’s worth about 40 times as much.

I don’t know how often fundamentally unelectable Dems have to lose before people realize that all the advantages in the world mean dick if no one wants you to be president.

More reason to think the Democratic primary contest will come down to Sanders and Bloomberg

Biden’s dysmal fifth-place finish in New Hampshire is the beginning of the end. Creepy Pete will do poorly in South Carolina and Nevada. Senator Warren, sadly, looks to be finished. Senator Klobuchar will also do poorly in South Carolina and Nevada. Bloomberg, meanwhile, is targetting the crucial demographic he needs for the Democratic nomination, beyond the suburban voters that have drifted away from the Repugs and that he’ll lock up easily over Sanders. And, of course, he has more financial resources than any of his competitors. Given that the Democratic Party has been for at least thirty years now merely the prudent and less vicious wing of the ruling class, what could be more apt than nominating a billionaire to take on the perfect symbol of the imprudent and very vicious wing of the ruling class?

I don’t know how much they’re spending and don’t see the ads, but if it’s anywhere near the same, it seems phenomenal and horrifying that Bloomberg polls better than Steyer.

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I think Bloomberg is spending a lot more, but he’s also the former mayor of NYC so people know he’s a politician… and in a lot of the ones I’ve seen, he is really hammering that he’s buddies with Obama who worked with Obama to do some stuff that Obama wanted to do because he likes Obama.

Steyer ads I’ve seen: 0
Bloomberg ads I’ve seen: too many to fuckin count.