2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Yeah probably.

lol no one is voting for Bloomberg, wtf am I reading.

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Bloomberg is really bad and stop and frisk was horrible. There were months where the number of black men stopped and frisked was more than the black male population in the entire city.

I am definitely not helping Bloomberg run up the score here in Illinois if heā€™s the candidate


Heā€™ll hire actual smart lawyers rather than loltrumps army of morons and will slam open and stride through the door that obama unlocked and trump has leant on. Youā€™re saying you hope that a sociopathic narcissist (required to become as rich as he is) will use his near infinite and utterly unchecked power without doing as much harm as trump would with the same power but 1% of the competence and drive. Is a Lazy and truly darkly evil king > Driven and somewhat evil king? Not sure but despite the ā€œnoā€ it is worth a conversation.


Money alone doesnā€™t mean shit.

We arenā€™t that far removed from Jeb!

Bloomberg is a racist old N.Y. Jew with zero charisma. Iā€™m a little worried because itā€™s what I do, but come on people, the Democratic base (as opposed to the Beltway dipshits on the teevee) is not going to turn out for this guy.


Heā€™s too short. Ever since the famous Nixon blew it because he looked like shit on TV, no little wimpy dude has won except Carter and not by much and that was like beating Pence if Trump resigns.

No offense to shorties and if you have big enough guns it can make up for it. JohnnyTruant 2028!


I hope youā€™re right.

Oh I dunno if a short wimpy looking guy canā€™t win the nomination. Iā€™m saying he has no chance in the general.

Nah. Literally anyone has a massive massive edge on Donald. Heā€™s the most damaged political candidate in American history full stop. His supporters will vote for him, but literally everyone else will vote against him.

Bloombergā€™s money is absolutely worth more than his height. The guy can spend 200M a week from the day he gets the nomination to the day of the election. He can literally crowd out the Trump campaign and reduce their advertising by a significant amount just by driving up the price of an ad.

Itā€™s going to be a full court press too. Heā€™s absolutely not too good to do to GOP base voters what Trump did to african americans on FB. If youā€™re going to be in the dirtiest election in American history it helps to be a sociopath with unlimited money.

Iā€™ll never not be convinced that a big part of why HRC lost was her desire to not just win but win the right way. I donā€™t see that in Bloomberg. I think if he gets the nomination his #1 goal is just to win and I suspect heā€™ll do anything to get that done. Not a bad thing in this race at all.

I can see how people are worried after Bloombergā€™s blowout victory last night.


Thereā€™s a rumor that if you watch The Wizard of Oz closely you can see where one of the munchkins hung himself in the background of one scene

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Pete out here gaslighting NH


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I just donā€™t think a lot of people understand how close, ā€œYou can tell enough about someones behavior from their skin color that we should stop and frisk even more african americans,ā€ is to full blown eugenics. Combine bloombergs tendencies with his potential access to all the facial recognition and big data social media scraping of the federal government and weā€™re literally drawing live to a full blown nightmare.


Maybe pete just doesnā€™t understand the concept of ordinal numbers.


I have a couple of Jewish friends in their 60ā€™s who Iā€™m quite certain voted for Trump. Iā€™m reasonably sure they would vote for Bloomberg this time around. So we got that going for us. I can definitely see Bloomberg buying his way into office. But I do think his VP choice is a bigger deal than it normally would be. Iā€™m thinking weā€™ll be getting a failed Presidential candidate as a running mate regardless of who wins the nomination. Or do we get Tim Kaine again?


Tobias out here for The Bern.



He did #goonchapo so heā€™s likely a bernie bro.

Heā€™s the leader in delegates so maybe heā€™s just a big fan of things like the electoral college.

Yeah, no, I absolutely get it. To say heā€™s viewing the problem incorrectly is a huge understatement. The way to fix ā€˜black crimeā€™ is to fix black poverty full stop. Povery = crime.

Part of the problem from a mayors perspective though is that poverty is a national issue, and youā€™ll never, no matter how much of the cities budget you dedicate to it, solve that problem.

Bloomberg wanted NYC to be the best city in the world when he ran NYC. The way he chose to get that done was to expel the minorities (who like most places in the US were disproportionately poor) from the city with official harassment to make way for gentrification. And today NYC has insanely low crime rates because there are by comparison no poor people left to commit those crimes.

I want to be super clear here, nothing about that is OK. At the same time I feel like every city in America over the last 20 years has been doing the same shitty tragedy of the commons math.

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