2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Respect for proper crow eating. Nothing wrong with hating caucuses, only with getting angry that more people participate.


Yeah this is 100% about which way the nonwhite vote goes now. If they donā€™t back Bernie in a significant way weā€™re fucked.

To be clear I think adding Klob+Pete+Biden and measuring them against Sanders + Warren + Yang + Steyer is super rational for figuring out the relative size of the centrist vs progressive coalitions. I think that matters because I think that thereā€™s a good chance weā€™re down to 3-4 viable candidates by Super Tuesday (Bernie + maybe Warren, and Pete/Klob + Bloomberg)ā€¦ whereupon the size of the coalitions in play will matter a LOT.

This wouldnā€™t quite jive with the messaging.

I think thereā€™s a good chance no one else drops out before Super Tuesday at this point. Maybe Tulsi? No one else has a reason to.

You guys are making the fatal error almost all smart, engaged political observers make: assuming voters are ideologically driven.

People are fucking morons with no coherent political ideology. They vote for people for all kids of reasons, including wanting to vote for the winner, randomly voting on a single issue, seeing a commercial they liked, etc. It makes no sense that former Biden supporters will go to Bernie, but lots of them are front running morons who are sure to do just that. Similarly, there will be plenty of Liz to Klob voters. Itā€™s just how it is.


This is correct and why I both love and hate the interviews with any actual voter over 40. Theyā€™re all like: ā€œWell, Iā€™m in a union, voted for trump, donā€™t believe in climate change and like both bloomberg and Sanders. My biggest issue is healthcare.ā€

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The case you guys are making massively massively favors Bloomberg for both the primary and the general. The guy can spend more money than Coke on marketing in 2020 without missing a step. That shit works.

Yeah. Itā€™s problem.

I mean on the plus side itā€™s fucking terrible for Trump too. Bloombergā€™s ad quality is already quite a bit better than the typical eDem. Thatā€™s probably because heā€™s using genuinely capable marketing people. Heā€™s also more than happy to force Trump into a dick measuring contest and beat him to death with his leathery old bankrollā€¦

I mean look I want a progressive to win really badly, but right now after what weā€™ve witnessed in the last six months with Trump Iā€™d probably snap take Bloomerg as POTUS for 2020 if you could give me 100% over Trump. No I wouldnā€™t enjoy making that call, but Iā€™m also seriously figuring out what my plans are to move to another country if Trump wins. (So far it canā€™t be Canada unless I get divorcedā€¦ too cold)

I agree with this, but it doesnā€™t make me feel any better. Because everything you laid out is true, media coverage matters a ton. If the irrational voters are getting Pete and Amy shoved down their throats, theyā€™re going to end up backing Pete or Amy.

Mini Mike is just a competent version of trump though. Heā€™ll take trumps monarch powers and actually use them for more than just getting his gang of utter morons lower sentences. The trump gestapo will just be red-faced thumb-men who are easily outsmarted. Yes itā€™ll suck in a major way and leaving the country aint a bad idea but the bloomberg SS with be ruthless and efficient. Trump thinks heā€™s a god. Mike thinks heā€™s a god and that he knows whatā€™s best for everyone.


Jesus Christ at the hyperbole of comparing Mike Bloomberg to the SS, or Trump.

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Bloomberg thinks all black people are natural criminals who need harsh treatment to keep them in line. As a mayor his stop and frisk policy was draconian. As a literal unimpeachable king what will it be like? The SS is hyperbole but worse than trump is definitely in the conversation.




Exactly. Stop watching the droolers and establishment hacks on the networks and just think about this for a second. Bernieā€™s worst demo is old whites. Klob and Peteā€™s best demo is old whites.

Bernie beat these clowns in the only type of states they have a chance to win. Which are white as a klan rally, trending old enclaves. Thatā€™s it. Do you think Pete has any chance in a diverse state? No. What about Klob and Bloomberg? Also probably no. The vast vast majority of dem delegates are in diverse states.

Add in the fact Republicans could vote in NH and Iā€™m sure Pete does great with that segment as well. That wonā€™t be the case everywhere either.

So there isnā€™t going to be this broad group voting for Pete/Amy as it stands today. Because old white people are a much smaller part of the electorate everywhere else. So take a deep breath and realize Bernie is a massive favorite for now and enjoy it.

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Eh. Your post implies that you think the worst thing about Trump is kids in cages. I think the worst thing about Trump is that heā€™s a climate change denier who is busy intentionally making it harder to do anything about something that could literally drive the whole species extinct.

Iā€™ve posted above what I think was going on with stop and frisk, and I think Mike Bloomberg is wrong about it. I donā€™t think Mike is likely to do much of anything real about inequality which is a HUGE problem.

At the same time Trump is over there pardoning war criminals and actively undermining our whole democracy. I donā€™t see Mike Bloomberg actually using his powers in remotely the same way, and I wonā€™t be staying up at night worrying about whether heā€™ll leave office if he loses.

Iā€™m not saying I actually like the guy, but vs Trump heā€™s infinitely betterā€¦ which is what happens when the other guy is either at zero or a negative number depending on what scale you use.

Yeah this whole race hinges on how the nonwhite vote breaks in NV and SC. If they go for Bernie this is basically already over because Bernie will have won.

Iā€™m not even a little worried about Klob and Pete because youā€™re absolutely right that nonwhites arenā€™t going to vote for them. Biden was and might still be dangerous because he did/does well with nonwhites.

Bloombergā€™s conflicts of interest will be way way way worse than Trumpā€™s due to the sheer size of Bloombergā€™s business empire. Heā€™s way more of an oligarch than Trump. But probably better in most every other way.

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Eh heā€™s rich enough that he wonā€™t use the office to enrich himself probably. He doesnā€™t need more money and I suspect heā€™s smart enough to know it. If anything heā€™ll try really hard to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Just about the worst thing he might do is sic a bunch of his Bloomberg organization people on the people who compile stats for the federal governmentā€¦ which might not be the worst thing since Bloomberg is far and away the best service for that kind of thing out there.

Thereā€™s just a huge difference in terms of how Bloomberg makes his money vs how Trump makes his money. Bloombergā€™s business generates enormous amounts of value that people happily pay for and Trump is a career rent seeker who does money laundering. Thereā€™s basically no comparison between them on business.

Stopping by to say WAA so Fā€™d.