2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

CNN showing pete leading the delegates after Bernie won both of the first two states is so tilting.

Are you familiar with Deval Patrick? Either way, Iā€™m ok admitting I may have screwed up the order of the three literal Republicans running in the Dem primary for some reason.

Iā€™m concerned about Pete + Klob + media. Just seems so inevitable that theyā€™ll hype up this bullshit ā€œmomentumā€ and manufacture enough support for these two that one will take the lead in future states.

Trying to stay optimistic, but years of WAAF are just too ingrained to overcome.

The implication there is that Bloom will garner some minority support. I donā€™t think he will. I dunno if itā€™s ironic necessarily, but Bernie getting the nomination off of overwhelming minority support would certainly be something.

Also GMAFB at you dropping by to laugh at anything after your absurd Healthcare takes.


I thought turnout was under 2016, in which case there are only about 20k votes left.



The good news is that Klob hates Pete so much there seems no way she would ever drop out and endorse him, or make some type of deal to be his VP(or vice versa)

Gonna keep splitting the ā€œmoderateā€ vote


One prize of a leg has been spotted in a 1980s Christmas movie, but we canā€™t yet confirm this based on exit observations.

I just donā€™t see how anyone but Bernie wins SC and NV and then he snowballs from there.

90% of the coverage has been that and how Sanders underperformed again and canā€™t turn anyone out. So Iā€™m with you. But this was never going to be easy. The media, the DNC and a grown in a test tube in Quantico half man half rat is a lot to overcome.

Nate defending Bernie? Hell has frozen over


Fuck, thatā€™s when you know itā€™s bad.

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You pay me 10 million a year and Iā€™ll say whatever the fuck they want.


You could argue that heā€™s defending his model, so itā€™s not absurd.

Good point. Also, I assumed the % reporting is representative of the votes reported when itā€™s really a function of the precincts reported and not the total votes.

I donā€™t think Klob is the type to settle for being anyoneā€™s VP, but yeah, especially not Pete.

Last place is a tough call between the racist billionaire who merely supported the Iraq war and mass incarceration and the senator who led the charge. I guess Biden ahead of Bloomberg though. Biden probably isnā€™t as bad as he used to be and I doubt Bloomberg has changed.


Iā€™m out of the loop in this regard.

Why does Klob hate Pete so much?

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Part 1