2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Interesting note: Bernie currently leads the PI market for SC winner and SC 2nd place.

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That’s been the case for hours.

Durham about to go up on DDHQ, should be good for Bernie.

Thanks for helping people learn how to pronounce his name! (seriously though, fuck you, asshole)


The winner of this primary is Mike fucking Bloomberg. The loser is my whole generation.

Buttigieg 2nd, but a strong 2nd.

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Bernie now favored in every state on predictIt.

Florida was the lone standout earlier tonight.

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Who gets 2nd in NV? Pete?

Bloomberg ain’t won shit until he has a delegate. Punting the early states has never been a remotely viable strategy.


Biden imo.


We can’t see his legs in that clip… very curious…


BREAKING: Iowa Democratic Party recanvassing to see whether they can find Tom Steyer’s arms and legs.


Reports of Steyer’s legs going missing due to mean comments on the internet from Bernie Bros


That was true for the clusterfuck that was Iowa. This is fine. Not great, but fine. I’m honestly more concerned with the turnout numbers than the percentages.

If you add up everything that happened for Bloomer’s candidacy in the last 24 hours, it’s definitely been a net negative.

The Matt Christman handicap is exactly right so far. Pete/KLOB are done. Zero minority support. The only thing standing between Bernie and the nomination is Mike Bloomberg.

MSNBC… BernieBro’s make sandwich of Steyer in cruel meme.

Lol at having comrade tulsi anywhere but last on that list.

I’m bad at math, but there’s only ~60k votes outstanding and assuming 50% of those got non-Pete/Bernie, that leaves only 30k votes for Pete to pick up 5k. (17500 to 12500, or 29.2% to 20.8%). Checking my bad math, with 8-% in, we can also 4x (80% in / 20% remaining) the current 2% lead and also arrive at the 8% margin needed.