2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

To let you know how bad it is, the last person to try it is Rudy.

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538 now reporting that turnout appears to be on par with 2008.

It did. Where did that happen?

you do realize that the MSM is now KLOB 91.7 FM 24/7 now, right? They were breathless all weekend about Klobmentum and how shes the unity candidate (werenā€™t they calling warren that like, a week ago?) and won the debate.

They have moved on from Biden, looking for a new darling. Of course, latest national polling has here with less black support than Pete (literally 0ā€¦at least Pete had 4%)


Iā€™ll admit I really donā€™t know much about Deval Patrick but Iā€™d vote for literally any major presidential candidate in the last 16 years save trump over Tulsi fucking Gabbard. Ted Cruz beats her in my book.

Letā€™s not get too carried away there chief.


Looks like Bernie rebounded a fair bit

PI has Bernie at the highest itā€™s been - 96%. Crazy the divided between actual results and the market.

Wouldnā€™t you? Sheā€™s a congresswoman and party soldier for however many years, then some rat-faced teacherā€™s pet from Bumfuck, Indiana, comes in waving his Rhodes Scholarship and language-fluency certificates around like it entitles him to a ticket straight to the top. If youā€™re a spiteful person like Amy II Targaryen is, of course youā€™re going to be rustled.


Heā€™s the young millennial who came in and took ā€œher promotionā€.

Same irrational anger you feel when your aces get cracked by a 1-outer on the river.

Ill agree Klob has been getting way more attention than she deserves but lets not pretend like Pete gets anything but treated with kid gloves by the media either. Meanwhile no matter what Sanders did the narrative is about how he underperforms by actually winning the vote in the first two, how he isnā€™t turning out voters(turnout in this is going to rival 2008 in NH), how he is a commie, etc.

FTR Iā€™m a Pete > Klob guy but I obviously donā€™t really like either.



By the nerd whoā€™s been talking shit all nightā€¦


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hey, we CAN find common ground!


I was just buying him up at .96, I think itā€™s over. The results will be tight, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough left to catch Bernie. Heā€™s gotta win like 30% to 20% in everything left.

Edited to add: Iā€™m in for the max bet at .96, so I think itā€™s a lock at this point basically, or at least over 99.5%.


Also Iā€™m assuming Pete would never speak first this close to the end if he thought he could win outright. So once they said he was getting ready to speak, I figured heā€™d be effectively conceding.

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Pete lost.


She posts on this board.