2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

The last time an incumbent US president lost re-election without a third party spoiler candidate occurred 44 years ago. The last time an incumbent US republican president lost re-election without a third party spoiler candidate occurred 90 years ago and it was during the Great Depression.

It’s a saying over here…

Gap down to 1.61% with 72% in.

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Rockingham at 70.7% where Pete holds a 10,705 to 8,860
Hillsborough at 60.0% where Bernie up 15,027 to 12,978
The only other county Pete leads in is fully reported at 100%.

Edit: fixed quote

Caveat, these counties have a town of townships, so what’s in now doesn’t mean it’s reflective of what’s outstanding, but with 73% reporting Pete has to 3x the 2% margin in the remainder to come back.

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MSNBC hasn’t covered the actual race for 45 minutes. Constant KLOB fest. Blatant and disgusting.

Is Rachel Maddow for real?

Reportedly KLOB actually said ‘Thank you pundits’ in her speech

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Bernie in great shape. Amy and Pete won’t do well in SC or NV.


The point of the caucuses was to elect people to county conventions to eventually decide which delegates to send to the national convention. The number that was always reported is now known as State Delegate Equivalents, based on the numbers reported for the county conventions. That’s the number that caused some in the MSM to report that Pete won.

It’s not strictly necessary to report the underlying votes used to derive the county convention delegates unless you 1. Care about transparency or 2. Want ammunition to call the caucus “rigged”.

Cumulative positive Sanders coverage: zero. Absolutely none. Anywhere. For the guy who keeps winning.

With the results and dropouts from tonight, the order of preference of the remaining candidates is pretty simple at this point.

  1. BERN
  2. Warren
  3. Steyer
  4. Pete
  5. Joe!
  6. Klobs
  7. Bloomberg
  8. Tulsi
  9. Deval

Somebody literally just posted effusive praise for Sanders by Van Jones on CNN.


It seems pretty undemocratic, we just count votes on paper ballots, keeps it simple.

And have independent volunteers as observers.

Fair; missed it.

I think we can all agree Chris Matthews is the worst.


Chuck Todd says hi.

There were independent volunteers observing on behalf of the campaigns. Bernie prob had more than anyone.

I’m somewhat curious how the behind the scenes on the reporting works that all these sources are at different percentages reported? Shouldn’t this all be coming from one central reporting location?