2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Good lord no. Amy is the one Dem that guarantees Trump wins. She’s a worse version of Hillary and her entire GE campaign will just be talking about Trump the whole time.

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bernie not crushing–every one of them are weak. not good at all for nov

Fwiw the needle is mostly worthless tonight. They are using data is way behind other sources.

That’s standard for an insurance company to ration care.

warren’s worse than amy in that metric. amy wont get bogged down explaining shit like warren would fall for.

Needle has Klob 10% to win

This speech is a recurring nightmare.


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At least we’ll make history


This is literally the first year anyone recorded the popular vote in Iowa.


Amy stfu


Anyone else find it odd that MSNBC is carrying this entire speech? Like if Bernie came in third, they’d carry about 60 seconds of his speech. If Liz came in third they’d carry maybe 2-3 minutes at most. This is absurd.


Moderate Dems doing an awesome job circling the wagons around the anti African American all star team of Pete, Amy, and Mini Mike.


Yeah definitely ridiculous

Media realizes Pete is DOA and they’re all in on KLOB. Hence the 30 minute speech, aired in full in primetime.

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Wtf… Why?

Yep. Exactly.

Bernie got ratfucked in 2016 and demanded they count popular vote this time

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I guess that’s the logic, but Klob polls about as well with black voters as Pete does.