2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Bernie wins tonight and when he wins NV the winner narrative will matter a lot going into SC and Super Tuesday. People are wired to want to vote for the winner. That’s why winning early states matters. Bernie has a great shot to go into Super Tuesday being able to say he got the most votes in all 4 early States.

KLOB crisis actors seem fatigued already


Geez, even this Amy speech is nothing but Trump Trump Trump. Not sure who talks more about Trump, Amy or Trump. Who the fuck hears this and is like yep gotta get on this train!

Klobuchar saved Bernie from losing to Buttigieg tonight.

Edit: Maybe, guess he could still lose.


Quick game name a single Klob policy


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Pizza & :beers:

They’re voting for the non Bernie winners.

throw shit at staff


Oh a political policy :roll_eyes:

He not tryna be V& Jones imo.

The current state of the race is why I think the grand DemE conspiracy angle is bogus. Right now, you have Klob, Pete, and Biden (and soon OK Bloomer) chopping up the moderate vote, which appears to be the majority, handing Sanders narrow victories early on, which propels him in the media narrative. If one of them dropped out, the establishment would have a much better shot at a DNC approved candidate locking up the nom (e.g. Pete wins Iowa and NH with no Klob). So while it’s obvious that they’re not going to be happy if Bernie wins, it’s also clear that there are a lot of levers they’re not pulling to prevent him from winning.


He was pretty emotional. I’m giving him some time to think about things. I suspect you are right though.

No. Nobody has seen him or heard him speak. He’s a repellent slug. His numbers are fake.

Luckily with only 1/3 left, Pete has to win the remainder by double that.

Now I’m seeing Bernie lead at 2%. God damnit

Looking at just the county date (not precincts), Bernie has way more favorable turf still to report than Pete does. I wouldn’t be too worried as of now.

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Gap down to 1.98%

These KLOB stories seem made up. They kicked her out of the hospital after giving birth? uh

WIN BIG signs everywhere at the Amy victory speech

(Currently in 3rd place trailing by 11,000 votes)