2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Yang and Steyer endorsing Bernie at more or less the same time would be cool.

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I donā€™t know which swing is which lolā€¦

People can see the score of football games on ESPN.com, but they will still call out touchdowns in gameday threads. If you demand a high SnR, you are in the wrong place.

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Meet Jim Jackson, local Birmingham Al now a Bernie supporter. He said he wouldnā€™t vote for Pete, said he might vote KLOB but ended up giving me his word he would vote Bernie. Still worried about him being McGovern though. Also his wife would as well. Also heā€™s ex intelligence apparently


Bern gonan pick up his first billionaire endorsement??

And if he were to drop out, I think thatā€™s bad for Bernie. Steyer is going to split up the vote in SC. Bernie needs that to happen.

See my previous post on the subject and have a think.

Counterpoint: Klob did well in NH after a good debate in NH. Bernie gets to take winning into NV. Sheā€™ll have to have another great debate to overcome that.


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my guess is that minority voters will put bernie over in the south and out west. klobs/pete are getting never bernie white votes.

Meh he came across as liberal at least in all the discussion over probably 30 mins, dude couldnā€™t shut up about the election, came across genuine




Rut roh. Pete comes in first in New Hampshire (tied with Sanders)

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This is weird, DDHQ has more reporting than MSNBC, but MSNBC has more complete results for certain precincts. Itā€™s like theyā€™re each getting different sets of results at different times.

Needle has Bernie at 54% to win.

Grunch. I love Warren, but now itā€™s time for her to drop out and endorse Bernie. Makes me sad to say it, but 10% in NH for her means no path to victory.


I believe they are, in fact, getting different sets of results at different times.

Dam :confused:

TheBern campaign HQ is terrible for TV/Reporting coverage :scream:

its over (yes i spent last 3 minutes making this)