2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

I’ve bought 400 shares of pete in 2nd when it got down to 50c… Thinking of selling at 90 right now, in case there are any weird ass technicalities.

I got stuck in an arbitrage shift, trying to go from YES on Pete at 12-13c to NO on Bernie at 9c. Bought the Bern, couldn’t get the sell order through, now have twice as much as I want of this position… Ugh. It’s cratering, which I still think is preliminary.

The margin is just over 3%, there’s a decent amount of good-for-Pete areas still outstanding. Also some good for Bernie left, too, so it may just be neutral.



It’s at 94c now, I’d probably be looking to unload it there if I were you. If it swings again you could even potentially get back in lower and ride it back up.



Just pulled the trigger… I’ll take it. Probably nitty, but the volatility is high.

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Looks like Joe Biden is…



woah, how’d you pull that off, I didn’t think you could put a gif in spoilers

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It’s mind boggling that so many people show up and vote for Klobuchar. She is the least inspiring candidate by a mile.

CNN banner is actually “Strong showing for Sanders”

Surprised it wasn’t something like, “Dominating performance for Pete and Amy in NH, Sanders also finishes first.”


And yet she persisted

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dont give them any ideas…

I can’t be the only one eager to rocket off my couch and punch the screen every time I see Claire fucking McCaskill

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love me some Van Jones


Van Jones sucks but I enjoyed that.

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You know the reason, Van, just fucking say it.

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I have had some disappointment at times with Van Jones, but definitely a supporter. He was badly treated by the Obama admin. And he was a solar dude trying to get it going in Richmond, CA.

DDHQ tightening more. 2.75% now with 58.6% in.

They don’t. They show up undecided and throw a dart at the ballot. See the video of that eenie meenie lady

It’s been a bit tick tock with a good Bernie update followed a good Pete update.