2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

This isn’t entirely wrong, but I think you are neglecting a bit that the USS BLOOMBERG is setting sail to further complicate the NeverBernie vote.

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it changed to 4.16% in that 30second period

Except the DNC will stop Bernie unlike the GOP and Trump.

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This is why it’s actually better for Bernie if Warren sticks around, even though her voters will go to Bernie more than any other candidate. Easier for the moderates to consolidate if they don’t have Warren in as the in between candidate.


Right, exactly the way it’s going - a huge clusterfuck.

yeah… i mean i haven’t watched a debate in months but who in the fuck is voting for klobs. pretty mind boggling.

Yeah absolutely. Fuck it, I want her on the ticket. Have her drop at an event with Bernie after super Tuesday…ahh a guy can dream

Yea I thought with Warren fading Bernie might pull a big win in NH. I’m not sure this bodes well for his ability to pick up support because ‘people normally fall in line behind the winner.’


You say this like you think they are competent.

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Can we stop liveblogging the exact lead percentage? Like I said earlier, DDHQ puts up their results candidate by candidate, rather than putting them all up for a precinct and then putting the precinct results live, which is what they really should do. 90% of this bouncing around of the lead is as a result of this.




Steyer out?! Wow!

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WTF STEYER OUT - edit: only single source

They think Chasten is a CIA psyop beard plant to cover for Pete being an unelectable closet heterosexual?

logically it seems like bernie should be either your first or last choice.


Big if huge. Bernie endorsement incoming?


Steyer endorse Bernie one time pls.



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Steyer is not out.