2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Bill weld got almost 10% in the R primary lmao


Iā€™m just waiting for the reporting to stop at 50% for the night due to ā€˜inconsistenciesā€™

Youā€™re way offā€¦ DDHQ is way ahead.

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21.41% of NH voters have a good sense of irony like me and Trolly

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Gap is now 4.12% with 42% in.

Iā€™ll probably vote for Klob when comes to NY to stop Pete.


I would absolutely vote for Klob over Pete


Klob getting 1 delegate in Iowa to get in the debate probably cost Buttigieg NH. Nice little break for Bernie.


Yeah based on these results so far, a lot of those late breaking Klobucharge voters probably would have gone to Pete and this would be neck-and-neck.

i think young people are just assuming that bernie will win and not bothering to vote.

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If Warren drops out and Klob picks up enough of her votes, Super Tuesday could get really wacky.

Buttigeig is probably going to tank in the South and maybe almost everywhere outside of Iowa and New Hampshire. If he continues to do well then weā€™ll see, but it looks like Bernie is going to do well in the south with Biden tanking and no one else particularly strong things are looking good for Bernie right up until the convention.

Young people arenā€™t particularly smart are they


BTW all this late momentum to the hot hand on the establishment side is not a great sign for Bernie long term. These are the voters who will coalesce around the NeverBernie candidate when the time comesā€¦ He may need it to go like the 2016 GOP primary where the party is just a clusterfuck and canā€™t find a nomineeā€¦ So, you know, exactly the way itā€™s going.

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Bloomberg straight ahead.

giving the state of the country, it just seems like the most liberal candidate should be waffle crushing these primaries not getting 27% of the votes.

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Bernie lead under 4% now, at 3.6%

Not sure who is being genuine and who is concern trolling but I feel pretty gr8 right now

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My ballot is sitting on my kitchen table right now thatā€™s because Iā€™m old and Iā€™ve lived in the same house for a long time and Iā€™ve been voting here for a long time. Young people move around a lot and thatā€™s why they donā€™t vote as much. If old people had a new address every 6 months or year they wouldnā€™t vote that much either.

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Where do you see that? Iā€™m seeing it at 4.16%.