2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Yeah he won NH by 20 points last year and got 49% in Iowa. He’s done

Yep it’s over. Time to load up on your 2nd Amendment it you want to survive.

argh…I’m procrastinating! I need to go pack for my trip to Vegas. for once, I will not be playing poker. I might not even set foot in a casino.

Going to canvass for 3 days.


Yeah signs are not great so far going forward. For example:

According to tonight’s exit polls, Sanders won the 18-29 vote by 53 percent, but they only made up 12 percent (!) of the electorate.

Just 14 percent of voters say that this is their first Democratic primary, which also doesn’t suggest that he’s driving new voters to the polls… Sanders is doing about equally well among those who have and who haven’t voted in a Democratic primary before.


Confirmed: smrk4 is loading up some let off some steam Bennet gifs

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Bernie now only up 4.5% with 40% reporting. WTF

Bernie should win NV, and needs Klob, Biden, Buttigieg, and Steyer to split SC so he can take it. This seems like a bit of an underperformance for Bernie in NH assuming he starts high 20s.




screw the media, Warren is the best chance to beat Trump and the smartest of all the candidates. Her platform makes the most sense. Start covering her more damnit

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538’s final polling average for Bernie was 26 percent. He’s pulling 26.7 aorn. The Klobucharge is real, however.


Chillax bros

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To those betting on PI, what percentage of the market do you think is on DDHQ? Curious if the markets are partially going to lag DDHQ cause people are watching on TV or whatever.

The narrative was that Sanders is able to increase turnout and outperform polls by increasing the sub30 vote and getting those alienated by the Dem/GOP establishments to show up. So far that has not materialized.

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4.2% now with 41.75% in.


14,774 V 12023

Bernie Sanders 33,288 27.35%
Pete Buttigieg 27,766 22.81%
Amy Klobuchar 23,882 19.62%
Elizabeth Warren 11,835 9.72%
Joe Biden 10,351 8.50%

42.09% reporting (125 of 297 precincts)
121,706 total votes

My like was meant as agreement.