2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

She just got 4th in what should be one of her top 10 states.

What’s her path forward? Bernie dying?

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IMO they’re overreacting. It’s not 95/5 or 99/1 or whatever you’re seeing. It’s maybe 90/10 or something like that.

Needle has 16% of the votes, but 35% are in.

As in previous years, exit polls suggest that the New Hampshire primary electorate is majority women. And there’s a gender gap in vote choice, too: Sanders is leading substantially among men, while women are split more evenly, with Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Sanders all doing well.

Men not the villain of the piece for once.

I’m curious who the Pete/Klob people has their second choice.

Lol Sleepy. People said if he ran in 2016 he woulda won, meh?

I have no idea who Bennett is.

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I bet Klob’s are all over the map. Late deciding voters, just mashing buttons.


The best for you now would be for Bernie to have a come to jesus meeting with Warren and convince her to drop out, while the moderates continue to battle.

You’re lucky because Amy will NEVER concede to Pete because she hates him more than all of you on this forum combined.

the Pete/Klob second choice is the other one of that pair. Maybe Biden. Maybe warren. (mine is warren).

he’s def not 99%, aren’t all polls closed? AP would have called it

Each other, probably.

He had 412 people vote for him so far. Who the hell are these people?

The good* Colorado senator.

*good is relative to the other senator from that state.

48 hrs @Trolly later :roll_eyes: I knew there was a reason.

Hot take, most of the Warren supporters that would jump to Bernie already have, which is why she has fallen so far. I’m not super keen on her dropping out yet.


Hill TV just brought up a good point. We don’t even know what of her 10% are actually progressives. She’s taking votes from Pete/Amy/Biden supporters at this point as well, and when she’s at 10%, those 2nd-choicers probably make up a good amount. There’s not much benefit for Bernie to get from her if she drops out unless she does a full endorsement and goes around campaigning for him


This seems to be the right answer. Most die hard Pete people are not picking Klob second…they dislike her petty, personal attacks against him (quoting breitbart in a debate? ugh)

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Bernie seems to be under performing in both Iowa and New Hampshire imho.


The eeney-meenie crowd.

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Tell me more about Bernie Sanders winning 100% of states that have voted being bad for Bernie Sanders