2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’ve been watching most of today, it’s absolutely incredible. But there’s a weird futile sound to it, it just sounds different than their usual unrelenting confidence.

I don’t know if you guys have worked this out but the vote in Georgia is actually getting rigged. The RINO Republicans there hate Our President and are in the tank for Joe Biden. We have to fight back and we can start by not voting in the Senate runoffs. The vote will be rigged anyway so it doesn’t matter and we have to send a message to these RINOs that us Republicans are not fools and won’t be played like this. #MAGA




The best case against massive government conspiracies is the general incompetence of government and the number of people who would have to be in on it. The simplest explanation is usually the likeliest one. For example, with the hispanic thing, we knew from polling that Biden was massively underperforming Clinton with hispanics. What happened on election day was upsetting but not shocking.


Hayes is saying Biden’s speech is conditional on the race being called.


Congratulations, you have been hired as a consultant for when to call the election. AP and Fox will hold a bidding war for your services.


Probably because THEY’RE ALREADY DOING IT!!1!!!ONE!!!

trump got the 2nd most votes of any candidate of all time and he lost

it makes NO sense


Listening to MSNBC, I’m growing sympathetic to not calling PA. I don’t think we’ve seen any tranches from the 100k provisional ballots? There is a decent risk that those favor Trump, as they largely reflect people who got mail in ballots, but voted on election day. I suppose we shouldn’t expect them to be that much more Trumpy than the day-of votes, but I think we need a chunk or two of them to be sure that they’re not much more skewed than expected.


This x 1000.

Hayes just dropped some truth bombs. This thing is way fucking over.

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The numbers are small, a few hundred here and there, but in the counties that have reported provisionals, they track very closely to the overall county results. There’s been no massive break towards Trump.


Since Monday morning at 9:30 am I’ve slept just under 12 hours. I’m not staying up past midnight tonight, the networks can shit or get off the pot.

I’d still like to know how fox called AZ early and FL way too late (still bitter losing 200 on that prop for FL thanks jerks btw). Well sticking it to trump was the theory on twitter, I’ll allow that excuse.

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Don’t vote! It’s the only way. #MAGA4LYFE

We all think they should call NV and PA, but why hasn’t NC been called for Trump with a >75k margin? Clearly they are waiting until the 12th or whatever until they process all of their late arriving mail ins, no?

538 has a pretty good description of the situation that I buy. They shouldn’t help Trump. Certainly not by a meaningful margin.

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