2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Would have laid odds this was a Tim & Eric sketch and not an actual commercial on Fox.

Nah, clearly it should be 11-527. They will not budge on AZ.


I feel terrible that Iā€™ve been sleeping normally this week. I told my daughter today that the President does matter but what is more important is being a good person and contributing to your family and community. That is all you can control.

I guess I was prepared to keep going even if trump won and at this point I canā€™t change the outcome.


You shut your filthy mouth.

Def a privileged position to have tho

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Iā€™m nowhere near doomscrolling, Iā€™m at like 1/10th of peak doom which is almost my default mindset.
But anyway, I am checking out, this is a complete and total disgrace. NV is over, call it. If AZ is not over, retract it. If youā€™re not calling GA or PA until they pass a recount margin, then say so, even though that is fucking absurd. If you donā€™t want to call him President Elect, call him the Apparent Winner. Iā€™m out for today, and honestly I donā€™t have any hope for a call tomorrow either.


Very strongly disagree. In the conservativeā€™s mind, there is no cognitive dissonance in believing deeply that the process is good when it delivers a Trump victory and the process is bad when it delivers a Trump loss. To them, the whole entire purpose and point of politics is to enforce double standards. They will feel no dissonance between believing the system was good in 2016 and in bad now, no more than they feel dissonance when the system lets a white man walk away and guns a black man down in the street. Thatā€™s what they want! They want a system that is internally inconsistent, but always in their favor! Thatā€™s the point!


Iā€™d be willing to wager that Biden wins provisionals statewide.


Not only that, but since Biden is expected to end with at least a 50k margin after the mail-ins are done (and thatā€™s conservative), the provisionals would have to massively break towards Trump to overcome it. Also, per Nate Silver, there are more provisionals in the blue counties than the red ones as a share of population. Thereā€™s just no way itā€™s enough. This thing is done.

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I think theyā€™re smart to throw every final precaution against the carnage that would erupt if it was called for Biden and then legitimately thrown into question.

Lost in all this, Joe is still ahead by roughly 5 MILLION FUCKING VOTES, WHY ARE WE DOING THIS??


Someone get Clovis a joint.


Thereā€™s one very specific kind of fraud Iā€™m worried about. Vote flipping with certain tally machines - via trojan horse software that can delete itself when done.

Those papers that came out a while back showing statistical anomalies where the larger the precinct the greater the push towards one candidate than the overall - in like a straight line. But only for Romney (in the R primaries and general) and only on certain voting machines.

Problem is of course after that theyā€™d learn now to try to randomize it a little better and be less detectable.

That and Karl Rove being so damn sure about Ohio in 2012. And supposedly some whistleblower said Rove told them they could flip votes if it was within a few of the exit polls or something.

I know itā€™s probably not true but Iā€™d sure like to be convinced for sure. IE - random spot checks of paper ballots done by bi-partisan observer teams - specifically in GA/FL/OH.

Maybe itā€™s something that happened once or twice but has been cleaned up with more safeguards.


Was there a Biden presser about to happen somewher?

Hayes reading this thread

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I get that Jake Tapper has been awake for like 124 hours, but this dude blinks like heā€™s an alien disguised in a human body. Mulder would definitely be suspicious.


Weā€™re all strong in different ways, Thin. You carry the weight you can that others canā€™t, and vice versa. Nothing shameful about that.


Heā€™s called it off til the election is called


Supposedly a big Maricopa drop is happening in 40 mins. Should clarify AZ.

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I have heard quite often that you are a Republic and apparently that means the person who gets the least vote should be considered as a potential winner.