2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

That’s exactly the type of psychological targeted ads the dems (or us) need to run.

Hayes: you not calling it cause you’re scared of Trump?

Wasserman: I don’t really have a comment on that.

lolololol fuck you bro


For a call they want to be 99.5% or 99.9% or 99.95% sure? Meh, let’s look at a chunk from Philly and/or Allegheny or somewhere that has a substantial percentage of outstanding provisionals. One or two oughta do it.

You should look at the undercount in the GA 2018 Lt Gov race

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MSNBC said “we’re not even going to focus on Georgia since that’s clearly going to go to an automatic recount”. Like you have one job. How can you not know the rules?


i mean we really shouldn’t forget the fuck you bro.

If Wasserman legitimately thought they don’t need to call it - fine. But it’s clear he thinks they should but plays along with the politics here. That makes him an accomplice.


Lol cnn just had a 10 minute segment about the incompetence of trumps legal team.


Yes, but voting machines with no paper back-up are so insecure with so many potential points of entry from the vendor building/servicing the machine to 3rd party hackers outside the government and everything in between, that doesn’t need to be a big conspiracy. One or a handful of people could do it on their own.

And states with one party rule (meaning little oversight) that are worried about losing their grip on power are ripe for someone to take matters into their hands.


Yeah we knew this all day.

When the next damn Philly drop is would be nice to know as that might call it.

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Right on.

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Like four people on Unstuck are just about the only people in America who never lost their minds at any point from Tuesday at 8pm til now. The entire media just asleep at the wheel here.

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I assume that’s a trailer for the full 10 hour discussion?

mainstream media pundits are a bunch of cucks.

Yes this x1000. I trust the mail-in votes. I don’t trust the machines with no paper backup.




You know you’ve been watching election coverage too much when you know exactly what state they are about to talk about based on the correspondent who’s on the screen.


Lol did not see that ending coming.


Oh I don’t doubt for a second that they’ll settle with some inconsistent and whimsical explanation for why the god-king lost. But I mean reality slapping them in the face like, they gotta admit that we’re not actually living in a super awesome stable situation right now (hello economy, hello coronavirus, hello climate change) and we need to get some shit done about it. They can and will blame the democrats for all of it, but we’ll at least agree on the same basic thing. Like, people are losing jobs and businesses every day. People are dying by the hundreds of thousands. We’ll all finally, hopefully agree that this situation really fucking sucks, because we won’t have a windbag every day telling them what reality is/isn’t according to what is most convenient for him personally. That’s what I’ve had a hard time lately with them, getting them to realize that we’re actually in a fucking pandemic right now and people aren’t taking it seriously because half the country’s believing it’s fake.