2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I take action that after the next AZ and PA dump it’s still not called!

See the sworn affidavits from the case King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association vs. Blackwell in Ohio and interviews by a guy named Stephen Spoonamore if you want to go full rabbit hole.


Cuse when you wake up from your 18-hour crash - can you go down to Phillytucky and tell them to drop a big dump NOW?

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Yeah I’ve seen them I think. They asked him but he didn’t do it right?

What is the latest GA count? Is Biden up by more than 4000 or less than 4000?

I thought it was just under, but CNN has him up by a bit over 4K.

I saw Nate Silver get interviewed on ABC today and he legit was having trouble keeping his eyes open.


They’ll only believe this if it happens to someone withe a degree of separation of <1. I think it’s a big mistake to assume misinformation ends with Trump’s presidency. It’s got a life of it’s own now.

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GAMEDAY (for real tho tonight, promise)

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We’re at the point in Nevada that Trump would have to win like 75% of the remaining outstanding ballots, substantially all of which come from a county that he’s losing handily. LOL with your 99.5% confidence interval, it is 100% you god damn cowards.


Unfortunately by the time this is truly over, I think it’ll have touched most of us in some way. I hope I am wrong about that.

So are Kamala and Biden just waiting to speak until there’s a call? I thought they were coming on at 8

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Call the election. Stop being afraid the right wingers will be mad.

Somehow they always throw conservatives a bone and play by their rules so that their feelings aren’t hurt.


Have they released any provisional results? They just started counting them today at 5pm.

Some counties have, if you scroll through the counties on the SoS site. Large counties haven’t last time I checked.

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I mean, I do to. And BTW I generally agree with things you have to say, so I suspect we’re kind of nitpicking at the edges here. But it is my belief that the US in general is still orders of magnitude away from dealing with reality. Trumpism is the anti-reality issue of the day but the long arc here is that the US is losing it’s place as the global superpower. Americans, even liberals!, are very far away from coming to terms with that. I wouldn’t expect any big self awareness epiphanies from deplorables anytime soon. For them, the worst is yet to come and they’re still grapping with yesterday’s dose of reality. It’s gonna be a shit show.

Yes, Nevada should be called

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It was like 39 and change and then something else tiny dropped and now it’s back over 4K again.



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Cancelled. They are as shocked as the rest of us that the networks havent’ called this.


I was firmly convinced that cheating allegations would be a sad joke no one take seriously outside the scene of people whose livelihood depends on it. But the more the network are purposely stalling the call the more likely this will go less smoothly than i thought.