2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’m more shocked that vote counting is so slow tbh… we had like 120-150k votes total in PA coming into today? Sure it’s a bunch of technical stuff slowing them down when they get to last batches but still surprising.

Wonder if all the lefty network have colluded to make FOX News be the first ones to call it.


Why can’t they just let Kamala dance for a while to piss off the deplorables.

They should come out and say Decision Desk called it and networks are being bitches.

Is PA down to only provisionals? I could have sworn Philly said they had 40k more mail-ins.

100k provisionals is going to take until next week.

Is there a good tweeter for instant PA dumps?

Now CNN saying Biden is going to speak regardless. Not to declare victory though.

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Concession speech




I’ll allow it if they clarity that it’s “punk ass bitches”. That’s the worst kind of bitches!

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I get why Fox and AP can’t call NV. They know they screwed up with AZ.

But this Maricopa drop could possibly get all the networks to call AZ and then NV would follow I bet.

ETA? MSNBC not talking about it.

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they won’t call NV until it’s impossible which isn’t for awhile

Spoonamore outright claims they rigged the 2004 election by changing the votes at the tabulator level, not the machine level. Recall that the county tabulator packets went through servers in TN to a location owned by either Rove or someone tied to him before they hit the SoS office. There are detailed interviews with him on Youtube or whatever. He ran for office as a Republican in Ohio and has done a bunch of tech startups in infosec type stuff.

So he needs to win them 80-20. But he’s not even winning them 80-20 in counties he carried 75-25. And more of them are out in blue counties. So we expect there’s a chance that he’ll win them 80-20 in fucking Philly? Yeahok.gif.

Question about Secret Service protection:

Obviously Biden has had some since he won the nom, and apparently they increased it recently. Is this a law of some kind or just a norm? Trump still controls them, right? Is there a reason he can’t just tell the SS to not protect Biden?

Because we aren’t in an actual action movie.


It’s a secret.


JFC. It’s always been the tabulators I worried about.

So they rigged Ohio and that rigged the election?

I really hope that hop has been eliminated in new setups or better cross-check procedures are in place. I mean there has to be a way to keep the vote machines and tabulators independent, so that the tabulator can be cross-checked against random batches of machines? RIGHT?

If the trump reps have moved on to challenging every single vote at the canvas this could vastly slow things as well i guess, but then I’d be surprised they ahven’t been doing that all along.