2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Not yet!

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We just popped our champagne


But the consequences of this thing are more immediate and severe. I dunno I just want to be able to talk to my sister again without her horrifying me with how not-seriously sheā€™s taking this with a newborn. I donā€™t see a storyline where people are somehow sans-trump still able to ignore that the economy and the virus and the climate change are really urgent things we need to deal with right now. He had a weird hold on them. I think, if he leaves office and has to be a citizen again, that he may just fade into a whimper. I donā€™t see things going well for him when heā€™s out. Debts are gonna be called. Crimes are gonna have to be paid for. I REALLY hope I am right about this btw. I am off the WAAF train for the first time in a while right now. I think weā€™re living in the timeline where these things could happen.


Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have any friends named ā€œNateā€ because im pretty sure I would be incredibly rude to them for months after all this.

No ETA, but CNN cut to someone in Delaware and they have the stage all set up and lit up.

Them rigging 04 is the theory of why karl rove went off the rails on fox live during the 12 election when they called it for obama in ohio when it was still tied there. This after obama had been declared the victor he wouldnā€™t give it up.

I donā€™t buy it. It would have come out by now.

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Counterpoint: Epstein

I think thereā€™s actual statutes that govern it. I donā€™t think Trump can legally just pull his protection at this point.

Right - because the margin was more than his riggage could get away with and he didnā€™t know that. So the riggage switch never activated. Thatā€™s my theory and melds with that whistleblower report.

Can someone give me a Chiefsplanet update? What do they think? Are they all in on ā€œriggedā€?

Only the crazy ones. The sober ones are in bargaining phase I guess.

These are all good points and Iā€™m sorry if it sounds like Iā€™m just shitting all over your enthusiasm. I obviously donā€™t know anything that you donā€™t know, and honestly your thinking is what is really needed to, at worst, soften the landing of any further civil discord in the US. Kumbaya brother.

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GWB won the popular vote in 04. Seems like the most likely explanation is that he just, you know, won.

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Hmmm Iā€™m guessing they donā€™t know what machine is being raged against and what the song killing in the name of is aboutā€¦



Rigging the vote is the kind of thing that even if it did come out might never go public - for obvious reasons of totally eroding public faith in the system. As we can see that is bad.

So thereā€™s literally nothing that can happen today that will make them call the elections. Unbelievable.
Every minute that goes by increases the amount of people convinced the election was rigged.

my wife said the chances arenā€™t 100-0 which is true until the lead is greater than the outstanding ballots. Was trying to come up with a number percentage and I couldnā€™t decide if Trumpā€™s victory odds are something like 1 in 10^1000 or 1 in 10^1000^1000^1000?

And also apparently their is a super time consuming process for firing all non-political employees, like Dr. Fauciā€¦so most likely even if he tried to give the order, the SS would tell him to shove it up his lame duck ass.