2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Wait is PA done for the day or something?

Normally I wouldnā€™t approve of giving the video a view but the cigar section is pretty amazing.



Sorry for memes here if anyone cares.



Ohio was the differenceā€“that wouldā€™ve rustled the hell out of them if pop vote and the EC were different, just think they mightā€™ve gotten rid of the EC if kerry won in 04.

Thatā€™s the most sensible thing heā€™s done in his career.

Does anyone have any info on PA and expected drops from Philly?

are we talking about winning the election or ā€œwinningā€ the election here

I suspect that the remedy may actually just be to make elections simpler, Canada style. We all mark a little piece of paper with a pencil and itā€™s all good. The US probably needs to reform the actual voting process before trying to create more iron clad technology around an insanely over complicated process for voting. Like, start from the principle - it should be easy to vote and keep score. Not ā€œhow do we create elaborate technical controls over an unreasonable complicating voting and tabulation processā€.


Biden up to 21,705 in Pennsyltucky



PA lead up to 21705. Edit: Came out of Delaware.

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Based on getting 270 electoral votes assuming no faithless electors

Kornacki still thinking a big one could come from Philly. Last one was from Delaware County.

Iā€™ve said this before, but itā€™s not realistic to compare Canadian elections with Americans. We typically vote for literally one thing. American ballots can have like a dozen or more.

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No, but I donā€™t think it will get to 35k after the next drop (or tonight) and I donā€™t trust they will actually call it with that magic meaningless number.


In before another 800 votes gain out of 1000 ballots and no change whatsoever.

and Erie apparently (I think).

Last Philly drop was +23k Biden.

Ok looks like Philly is down to 23k mail ballots left (still tons of provisionals I think). Which means Philly is probably into the nitty gritty problem ballots and has been doing little dumps all day.

Fresh from r/conservativeā€¦

ā€œ For anyone wondering why Trump hasnā€™t released any fraud evidenceā€¦ IN WHAT KIND OF LAWSUIT DO YOU RELEASE EVIDENCE BEFORE GOING TO COURT??ā€