2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

MSNBC said Delaware

Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying though. A huge chunk of the election that just happened was Americans showing up to vote for President but having to simultaneously vote for a bunch of other stuff with generally lower (sometimes much lower!) conviction and knowledge. Iā€™m saying they should decouple all that shit. Itā€™s like if I go to order pizza and after I finish picking my toppings they ask me to make consequential decisions about my pension contribution rate, putting on my winter tires, and deciding what Iā€™m going to do for vacation next year. WHY AM I MAKING ALL THESE DECISIONS AT ONCE Iā€™M NOT READY!




Biden is going to be up 35k in PA soon with 80k votes left, predominantly from democratic areas. This is fucking absurd.


Wow two big drops coming in 4 minutes. Hold on to your sphincters!

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Hold on, we might get more confirmation thatā€¦ Arizona is going for Biden but too early to call!


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King on CNN went over the Delaware votes and then went over a few Erie votes ( ~350ā€¦really). I assume they were in the same drop, but Iā€™m not paying super close attention.





Maricopa for sure. Maybe Philly.


You believe in the Guru sir, you believe in him.

I think this auto loading of unstuck is massively prolonging the life of my computer. My f5 button would have been completely wrecked in the last 3 days.


Part 2ā€¦

ā€œ Folks remember to boycott the sports leagues next year, I wonā€™t forget their betrayal.ā€

Also 2002 Georgia midterms:

Spoonamore received the Diebold patch from a whistleblower close to the office of Cathy Cox, Georgiaā€™s then Secretary of State. The whistleblower - who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation - said that he became suspicious of Dieboldā€™s actions in Georgia for two reasons. The first red flag went up when the computer patch was installed in person by Diebold CEO Bob Urosevich, who flew in from Texas and applied it in just two counties, DeKalb and Fulton, both Democratic strongholds. The source states that Cox was not privy to these changes until after the election and that she became particularly concerned over the patch being installed in just those two counties.

The whistleblower said another flag went up when it became apparent that the patch installed by Urosevich had failed to fix a problem with the computer clock, which employees from Diebold and the Georgia Secretary of Stateā€™s office had been told the patch was designed specifically to address.

The results of the race:

Incumbent Democratic Sen. Max Cleland, who was five percentage points ahead of Republican challenger Saxby Chambliss in polls taken a week before the vote, lost 53% to 46%. Incumbent Democratic Governor Roy Barnes, who led challenger Sonny Perdue in the polls by eleven points, lost 51% to 46%. However, because the Diebold machines used throughout the state provided no paper trail, it was impossible to ask for a recount in either case.


Gotcha, yeah thatā€™s pretty compelling.

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Bad news guys. Remember that meteor that was supposed to buzz us on Election Day? Yeah it hit. Weā€™re all dead. Hell is sweating an election that never gets called.


This dude gets into the weeds in one of the interviews but says something about the code forensics being consistent with a comparator function, certainly not a clock function as claimed. He alludes to exactly what youā€™re saying. Iā€™m sure youā€™re familiar with rob-georgia.zip if youā€™re this far in:


All of these electronic voting machines are owned by dyed-in-the-wool stone fucking cold deplorables. I see no reason to trust any election results that arenā€™t paper ballots and there isnā€™t a single person that will ever convince me otherwise.


Family time over. They still remember me. Now back to F5 and Khaki Kornacki.



Has any of this changed, does anyone know?
