2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Where is anonymous!? /s

Maricopa votes in. 70k new votes, Trump got 54%. That seems good for Biden.


good for Biden but they aint calling it on that, needed to be closer to 50/50 to make a call

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lol Konracki using a calculator live to figure out Maricopa. Biden AZ lead down to 30k

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Yeah, seems like good news


but not good enough to make a call


So according to the numbers CNN has up on the screen, Biden is up about 1% with aobut 3% left to count. Is that about right?

now trump needs like 57.5% of remaining (up from 56.5)

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It’s completely inline with the last dump - which was the E-day dropoffs. So now we know the E-day drop off rate really well. I wasn’t sure if the last one had some late eariles as well.

How many is Maricopa down to?


Astounding to me the AP nerds made such an elementary mistake in calling AZ.

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This is criminal.

It is.

I think we can safely and heartily LOL at AP and FoxNews now. AZ is going to be like 15k or something.

Like 90-95k using the numbers from 538 blog and subtracting the 69k here.

So AZ is going into recount too eh, good times.

AZ is like 100x closer than Nevada or PA and it’s the only one called. Insanity. Imagine being this bad at your job.


Also in GA now anything under .5% is a recount. So how do they do a recount with the Diebold machines?

It’s hard to imagine how that other system could survive a recount unless the tabulators could talk back or were somehow in sync with the voting machines.

I would think they count the computer tallies as infalliable.

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A recount should take about 10 seconds in that case.


Don’t count on it. I was at a small protest once that Elijah Cummings addressed. It was shortly after Abrams got robbed in that race, and Cummings was Chair of Oversight. He talked about like how important that role was and paused. I yelled something about investigating the Georgia gubernatorial race, and he looked at me like I had three heads.