2020 Senate + House Races

EC he did, ironically I guess. I did the math back then 18 was only by a state.

Pretty sure this is also wrong. I remember maps showing domination by Dems in the EC if they repeated their midterm performance.

ETA: Found one.

I agree with the sentiment of that Sam Harris tweet. My question would be: when he speaks of a firehose of bullshit that’s been sprayed at our fellow Americans, is he including within that stream of bullshit people that bring the likes of Charles Murray and Douglas Murray on podcasts and then asks them zero tough questions?

I mean, I don’t expect trust fund kids like Harris to have good politics, even if they are good at meditation. But someone that pals around with, and pretends that Ben Shapiro is some kind of intellectual, well that sounds like a guy that was holding the firehose while it was spraying the BS rather than trying to turn the hose off.


This doesn’t look all that different from what the final map will be.

Lose Florida, Iowa and ME-02. Gain Georgia and NE-02 (EDIT: and AZ). Not that drastic a change.

Also gain AZ (maybe?) from that map. But the margins were better in ‘18 too. I remember some positive feels looking at maps where Dems won by at least 5 in 2018. It’s apples and oranges anyway, but it’s not credible to say Biden outperformed the ‘18 wave overall.

I’ll stop poking the bear on this I promise. But this is the perfect illustration of what I was trying to say. Now just imagine if some slick well-funded astroturfing org worked hard to plant this idea in extreme righty or lefty corners of the web - depending on which side they want to win. The astroturfers would probably need to have the seed of the idea already there - which it certainly is. But they could certainly amplify it.

Yes I’m paranoid.

Comparing Bradshaw to Bredesen is lol. Bradshaw is a complete unknown with no money. Bredesen was a former governor (who was pretty popular while in office) with a ton of fundraising

BTW lets all laugh at Collin Peterson, soon to be former congressman from MN-7. Had been there since 1991. Probably the all around reddest Democrat in the house for years and years, mostly notable for being one of the two Dems to vote against the impeachment of our favorite President.

He lost by 15 points to some trumper woman.

Nice work dipshit.


They seriously claimed florida blue for that map in 2018 when Gillum/Nelson both lost that year lmao. Garbage.

Also that year Iowa gov went red when it was polling blue too, I’m certain it would’ve gone red as well. assuming GA/AZ red like I thought they were that makes the EC 279-259 which is a one state difference as I stated. I realize people think I just make claims sometimes but some of that is as a result of my own work.

Welp, welcome back to Congress, Darrell Issa.

We haven’t conceded yet, but the writing is on the wall.

Let me just vent about how much I hate the DCCC and how underhanded and yes, racist/anti-semitic they are. They promised our campaign $2million. Instead they gave us nothing, and gave that $2m to Georgette Gomez, who ended up losing her dem v. dem race vs. a Jewish woman by 20 fucking points.

Also, back in 2018, A DCCC member was the one who leaked the story of Ammar’s grandfather to Haaretz, which started the whole “Ammar is a terrorist” thing. They did this because they insisted that the white Navy SEAL that ran in the primary in 2018 would have easily won.

Not sure if you recall when Valerie Plame ran? She’s Jewish. This “dark money” ad ran and sank her campaign. Guess who actually funded that? Yep…the fucking DCCC


The DCCC sucking balls is also a problem that we probably can’t fix anytime soon

I don’t know how we could beat a triple threat of R+12 registration, Darrell Issa’s money, and fucking Trump actually calling out Ammar by name and implying he’s a terrorist. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib only had to deal with one of those things.


btw, Biden significantly outran Omar in her own district.

progs also primaried two dem incumbents in NM state senate races in 2 swing districts and lost both

I really don’t have interest in looking the rest of it up, and I’m sure some here will have some excuses for those things like everything else but really I don’t want to hear any excuses now from progs, e-dems, and everyone else, it’s time to figure out how to take the damn senate and those house races back in 2022 but I will say to progs–if you’re gonna primary a dem be sure you’re gonna win the thing in the general first or gtfo.

sucks about losing to Issa, but I knew that was gone when I saw npr’s list and every tossup rating R’s won and your race was still to right of that list. Spoiler alert, R’s won all those too.

tl;dr It’s really hard to win +R districts when trump is running cause he turns them out.

I’m not gonna lie, we made mistakes too. Ammar made one and owned up to it, and there are areas of the campaign I would have done differently, but I was brought in so late (because no money) that it was hard to affect that change. We’re still doing post-mortems, and I have a long memo to write, but I’m sure we were winning until Issa called up his buddy Trump and had him lie about Ammar by name.

That’s when it became Ammar vs. Trump, and that was impossible to beat.

Bottom line: the democrats need a strong, NATIONAL message to counter the “socialism!” claims.


yeah the late votes in California definitely are looking more R than they have in the past, same as Arizona this year. I am thinking this is the effect of “legal” ballot harvesting and the GOP run dropboxes at churches and such. Looks like CA could be -4 for House Dems.

It’s just a happy coincidence that this Count the Vote strategy, especially in Arizona, completely contradicts the decision of the midwestern GOP-run state legislatures that forbade early counting of the mail ballots in the blue firewall.


Ehhh they stole Georgia from Abrams. We won a Senate race in Arizona in '18. We also won Senate races in NV, MN, WI, MI and I think PA too.

Sorry, you guys really deserved a W.

Bring that energy to the new project!

It would help if people knew what socialism was. I think embracing it in a way is the play. Think Santos in West Wing with “liberal.”

Fucking Issa and Nunes. You can’t kill those guys.

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At least Tulsi is gone. From Congress anyway