2020 Senate + House Races

Who is the “we” and who is making an excuse for that 20 year old shit head?

Other threads - Nader and Greenwald. Obviously no one making an excuse for this guy.

ok well the few people that defend Greenwald aren’t all leftists (at least I don’t think they are) and they don’t defend him because of his leftism so I don’t think they would defend this guy just because he is a “leftist.” Also the defenses of GG aren’t because of some weird “have to defend my side no matter what” stance. Just a weird story to bring up to attack a couple of users on here and “leftists” I guess

I wouldn’t want a 20 year old run a shake shack. How the hell did he end up in Congress? He isn’t even allowed to drink beer, rent a car or walk into a casino.

nobody thought hegar would win to be fair here

Eastman lost NE-02, Biden won. Swearingin loses by 40 2 years in the same state Manchin won. (okay biden lost by like 36 or something himself, but still that’s better)

That argument is trump style bullshit. (I get it, more moderate probably doesn’t matter now, but the whole more left is better argument isn’t there either)

TN senate, prog loses by 27, was only 10 2 years ago to the moderate. (no the moderate doesn’t do much better, but your narrative is complete shit too it really looks like)

It’s not US Congress, it’s Kansas state Congress. Also he expects people to hold his hand and explain to him how to behave:

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He’s also a huge piece of shit who was physically abusive to his girlfriends and released revenge porn of his ex

The point is I don’t trust leftists like GG and Nader (maybe I dunno) who stump for Trump. And this guy is proof that some might be complete double agents. GG would be too smart to admit it as readily is this a-hole.

I’m willing to accept this guy as some kind of outlier who means nothing.

I’m just saying I’m still going to give the side-eye to leftists who always wind up on the side of Trump or on the half side of Trump (don’t vote). I don’t think they’re double agents. But they may have been hoodwinked by reverse cargo cult and other propaganda ploys.

Jill Stein? Side-eye. Bernie? AOC? Others who stumped hard for Bernie but accepted Biden. No side-eye. Clearly they still understand that Biden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump and care about the people who would be massively hurt by 4 more years of Trump.

What about the people massively hurt by Biden?

There aren’t as many of them and they aren’t hurt as bad imo. Those are the only two realistic choices at the moment. Voting 3rd party or not voting in 2020 helps nothing.

Obviously if you think Biden hurts/helps more/less people than Trump, then vote Trump. Seems like a cop out to say they’re tied.

Nader indirectly hurt millions of Iraqis. I’m not saying I directly blame him. But if he doesn’t run, the Iraq war doesn’t happen. People voting 3rd party to feel good about themselves happened to lead to the Iraq war.

Again I don’t blame them for it. But I think 2nd term Trump is live to as bad of atrocities or worse. I don’t believe Biden is.

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How about we blame the architects of the Iraq war for the Iraq war? Seems simple, unless you’ve got an axe to grind.

Also, you keep trying to tie the people to the left of you to the Reverse Cargo Cult phenomena. I’d argue that the segments of the USAian population that bear the most resemblance to The Reverse Cargo Cult are: Trumpers, partisan eDems, and centrists.(In that order)

I’ll give you an example. An impartial(non cargo cultish person) would blame the Iraq War on the Neo-Cons and their willing co-signers in Congress(eDems and liberals). But not you, you are too clever for that, you know that the true reason America lunged head first into a multi-trillion dollar boondogle that cost millions of lives, were the LEFT and NADER and people who had nothing to do with voting to authorize that war. Expecting the representatives voted into office by democrats to stop the war, well that’s just naive, and you are not naive. You have it figured out.


Ok let’s pretend the Dems pull a miracle and make it 50-50 in the Senate. Are there any Dems out there that will screw up the passage of any good legislation?


This is what I like to hear from my intellectual who flirts with the other side.

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I don’t tie everyone to the left of me to that. I made that clear. I tie people to the left of me who never seem to have a bad word to say about Trump and try to encourage non-voting or 3rd-party as some kind of useful protest (in a swing state in 2020 - non-swing state go crazy).

With the reverse cargo cult I’m just trying to be nice and say not all of them have nefarious ends - some are just deluded by those who do.

As far as your last paragraph - you’re just using the language of reverse cargo cult but not remotely applying it as it means. Reverse cargo cult is basically “both sides are the same, mannnn”. It’s the “well, actually” kid. It’s not making a point that you should blame the person directly responsible for something, and just ignore the people whose somewhat predictable indirect actions led to the bad outcome.

I couldn’t have been more clear I don’t blame Nader or his voters directly. But it still happened. Gore wouldn’t have gone to war in Iraq. If I was a Nader voter and saw that, I couldn’t in good conscience vote 3rd party in an election like this (again, assuming my vote mattered).

You’re making this much more complicated than what it is - a simple decision as to what outcomes you expect to cause with your vote. Can you live with Trump destroying democracy and sending people to camps, and riling up racist militias to violence, and putting tons more kids in cages, and possibly nuking something or whatever?

Now if you want to say you trust Trump’s anti-imperial tendencies more than Biden - that’s a whole other argument - which I allowed for. But to say it’s a tie and you refuse to participate seems like a copout imo.

I know I started this but I plan to bow out after this. I think we both know where the other stands.


Can’t hate Manchin, he’s a Dem in WV


Just saying - on CNBC they were saying even at 50/50 he’d be a wildcard. A reverse Susan Collins. So fucking annoying.

Yes, a number of them. Concessions will be made and pork added. Step 1 is to end the filibuster, and holy crap I’m not sure they can do it at 50-50.