2020 Senate + House Races

yeah the late votes in California definitely are looking more R than they have in the past, same as Arizona this year. I am thinking this is the effect of “legal” ballot harvesting and the GOP run dropboxes at churches and such. Looks like CA could be -4 for House Dems.

It’s just a happy coincidence that this Count the Vote strategy, especially in Arizona, completely contradicts the decision of the midwestern GOP-run state legislatures that forbade early counting of the mail ballots in the blue firewall.


Ehhh they stole Georgia from Abrams. We won a Senate race in Arizona in '18. We also won Senate races in NV, MN, WI, MI and I think PA too.

Sorry, you guys really deserved a W.

Bring that energy to the new project!

It would help if people knew what socialism was. I think embracing it in a way is the play. Think Santos in West Wing with “liberal.”

Fucking Issa and Nunes. You can’t kill those guys.

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At least Tulsi is gone. From Congress anyway

Tulsi might crush in 2024 as a Republican.

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Officially official.


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ugh any phone call with issa has got to be rough


Fuck that.

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Issa literally has no friends. He would text Ammar every day begging to meet him to smoke cigars or have lunch. It’s fucking sad.

Also, Carl DeMaio helped us from the shadows. He had to “endorse” Issa to the public, but he HATES Issa, mainly because of the homophobia during the primaries


This is amazing.

I know from personal experience that texting someone to have lunch every day eventually involves the cops.



god, if the voters could have seen the every day interactions we had with him and his campaign, there’s no way he would have won. These Trumpsters all love the alpha male stereotype, and Issa is literally (and I never thought I’d use these words) a beta cuck.


I mean…

Jill stein and other sneaky leftists? side eye.

Reagan? Well he was just a swell guy who was probably very caring


so what’s the strategy for GA runoffs? seems like a huge lift to win either of these, GOP will be motivated and I don’t know what the vote-by-mail situation will be in a runoff. seems like hammering on covid, healthcare in general and the fact that purdue and loefler are corrupt af are all winning messages but driving turnout will be harder for dems.

What it should be:

Democrats in the house pass some COVID bill. Do not negotiate with house Republicans. Cash money to every man, woman and child. No strings attached. No money for anything else. The text of this bill should easily fit on one page in simple language that everyone can understand.

Put that in the senate’s court and see what happens.

If Mitch (as I expect) does nothing with it, take that message to the people and tell them that it will have a floor vote if we can get a new majority leader.


Riverman has it right up thread. The House of passes a 10k for everyone bill every day and then remind everyone daily that it’s not passing bc of the Senate.


Adjusting for timid eDem weakness, they will eat a loss for “sending the Senate unreasonable bills they know won’t be passed - that’s Partisanship!”


I know you shared some of your thoughts up thread. I’m curious to read more of your post-election analysis on the Campa-Najjar campaign, and how (un)helpful the DCCC was, etc.