2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

“Nobody knows what Joe’s thinking, or if he’s even capable of thinking at all.”


I mean it’s nowhere near mathematically impossible w/o a recount for Trump to win. Biden is up like 19k in PA with like 80k votes to count. Similar ratio in NV.

Biden has made up similar deficits the other way. The reason we “know” that Biden won is because we know what counties the outstanding vote is coming from and the preferences of voters in those counties, so can be highly, highly confident in the outcome that they will just add to Biden’s lead.

Sure it’s catering to Trump somewhat, but given the deficits Ds made up in mail votes, can’t say it’s mathematically impossible for Trump to make it up the other way. What if, for example, even in blue counties the ballot counters weirdly segregated the ballots in a way that made the Trump ballots be counted last?


Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN
Fuck you CNN


Which we reached over 24 hours ago.

(Same with Pennsylvania, honestly.)

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“Joe Biden is a hologram.”

“They want to make you drink Starbucks forever.”

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Ok, now I want the networks to hold off on calling the election so I can be entertained by Clovis.


Lol you don’t understand how elections work. Sorry to be so blunt.

To say Biden made up similar deficits is just straight up ignorance.

Recounts move the count hundreds of votes, not thousands.

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Their brains weren’t hacked. They are racist scumbags who choose to believe what confirms their hateful worldview. Donald Trump just gave them permission to let their freak flags fly.


They are very clearly trolling us. It was 4:30 PM

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I don’t know honestly. I would have agreed with you a few days ago. But I’ve really noticed a weird respect and reverence for the “system” among a LOT of republicans. They’ve been brainwashed for 4 years to believe trump’s super fucking fishy 2016 election was the result of a flawless, beautiful electoral college process and have been crowing for 4 years about how we need to revere and respect it. Think of the messaging they’re receiving now. Now they’re expected to believe that this process is fundamentally broken? And all this time they’re seeing their big, strong demigod blubber and whine like a fool on the world stage for everyone to see.

I think the cognitive dissonance will hit them, and hit them hard all at once. Granted a lot, or most, or perhaps all of them are pretty fuckin stupid. But I’m seeing a really, really weird thing right now in the hivemind. I honestly am fascinated by it.


Clovis it was all going to go to shit either way. Trust me, if the networks call it tonight there will be some really crazy shit. Everyone is looking for a way to not pay the price for what’s been happening on fb under their noses for the last four years.


Actually Tucker dropping truth bombs about Bernie getting jobbed so now I have to entertain the very real possibility that Joe Biden may actually be a hologram.


No. CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS are operating a joint, independent decision desk.

The largest recount swing was like 1,200 votes!

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Biden is approaching a 2% lead in Nevada. This shit is absurd.

The motherfucker lost. Let’s go before people start dying.


Okay, I thought you didn’t know what was going on based on your posting, guess it’s hard for you to believe as a Canadian that it could take this long but they are still counting tens of thousands of ballots in Pennsylvania FOR THE FIRST TIME. Same in Nevada and Arizona. No recounts yet.

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Laziness and laziness only would stop counting in Clark County, orders NV Judge

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A I saw when I took my crazy samples was confusion, denial, and rage. I’m really curious how this finishes with them. It’s a real pity our party doesn’t have anyone even vaguely resembling Roger stone. He’s be seeding these people with the idea that the two ga senators are traitors.

I can’t handle anymore of the news networks. I wanted to see it called but it’s just not worth it now. I’ll scroll this thread so let me know if it’s happening.

I’m out.