2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Heard the USPS just found 40k more ballots in PA lololololol.

Seriously we got completely fucked out of the senate. It’s probably like this all over the country.


This is fucking pathetic.

You run this 1,000,000,000 times from here and Biden wins 1,000,000,000 of them.

Fucking media, just the stone cold fucking worst.


Fucking Alito just inserting himself into the election.

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LOL Supreme Court.

Apparently ordering PA to segregate ballots received after election day.

Which they are already fucking doing.


Alito just ordered them to segregate

Don’t these outlets basically just wait for the AP to call it? I know that’s what NPR said it was doing.

This is so bad. Its going to give momentum to the bullshit, along with the lack of a call.


Just for the record I think they should call it but I want them to do it when there’s absolutely not a shred of doubt in a single person’s mind. Right now roughly ~30% of the country thinks Trump is winning/did win/will win. That same chunk of country thinks the media is trying to rig the election for Biden. They’re just scared and guarding their reputations, I don’t really blame them. This is a crazy year already.

Prolly a dumb take but w/e. I didn’t think it through a lot.

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Yep it’s

Mathematically indefensible
Politically indefensible
Morally indefensible


That 30% will still think Trump won after every vote is counted.


100% this.

The gop is in a tough spot. The Trump campaign has been outright lying to people on social media in a much more focused and frankly successful way than Trump has managed to do in the real world.

Buckle up, we’re about to find out what happens when the disinformation campaign crashes onto the hard shores of reality.



Terrible take. You will never convince MAGA shitstains that they lost fair and square. Every intelligent analyst knows with 100% certainty that Biden won.


How is the SC ordering shit without hearing a case?

so never


Chuck Todd handling the numbers for NBC earlier was talking about the criterion for calling Nevada. He said they want a probability of 99.5%. IDK if he knows what he’s talking about but his presentation skills don’t fill me with confidence.

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Tucker Carlson: Welcome to the show. We’re being informed that perhaps sometime tonight, Joe Biden will take the stage and make the highly aggressive and unusual move of declaring himself dictator for life.

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Tucker Carlson: There is no Joe Biden.

(actual quote)

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Stop saying this defeatist shit. These people were brain hacked by total morons. Anything Brad parscale can do I can do 500% better in 30 days or less from scratch.

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