#Ye2020 The Inevitable Candidacy of Kanye West

Kanye probably not going to be on any ballot, but he steals from the clown shoe celebrity idiot vote. If you think that is Biden, I guess you don’t think much of Biden or Democratic Party voters. And if it’s a Trump thought up stunt? Well, that makes sense because “let’s run a Black guy to take Black votes away from Biden” is Trump level thinking.

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I didn’t know where to put this, and I know it won’t go over well here. It has to be said though, and this thread is as good as any. Purity tests are bad… but is there anyone that the Bernie-bro left won’t defend as long as they are not a Democrat?


Host of the one of the most prominent online left podcasts and cofounder of Justice Dems.


Founder of Jacobin.


Bernie’s CA grassroots director (since-deleted).

This is before going into Krystal Ball’s dance with the right, and members of Bernie’s campaign team failing to read the room and focusing all of their attacks on Joe Biden over the last couple months.

Finally we have this gem:


Please note this very important and relevant ONLINE POLL or else.

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The hatred liberals have for Jill Stein is totally unhinged.

Saying Trump is going to win is not defending him. It wasn’t defending him when people like Michael Moore were saying it last time either and every liberal was like it’s impossible.

And of course the online poll is worthless and I don’t even know what point you are trying to make with it.

That a Bernie surrogate thought it was a valuable anti-Biden data point to tweet about.

I’ve never heard of Fred WaywardWinifred.

Do you understand that people who supported Bernie include like actual want to end private property socialists? People who were never ever ever ever voting for any Democrat to the right of Bernie and who barely accept Bernie? And you are now bitter that you’re not getting these votes you never would have imagined getting if Bernie hadn’t been running.

I’m not talking about those people, and I would guess that they are not the majority of Bernie supporters.

The people I’m talking about are mainstream “leftists” with a relatively large influence, who due to their hatred of the libs often end up on the wrong side of the spicy take machine.

I think you’re also going too far regarding their potential political calculations. I’m pretty sure Nathan J Robinson is an end private property socialist, yet he wrote an entire article making the case for a Hillary vote.

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Great. And Chomsky also said to vote for Hillary. The sound and fury is around end-private-propert-socialists who won’t vote for the Democratic party is dumb though. Most of the rest will vote for your shitty Dem candidate. Most of those who don’t weren’t going to vote at all. Bernie reached people who weren’t reliable Democratic voters and you nominated someone who maybe you guys hope will get some Lincoln Project Republicans instead. Ok, go get those Republicans and quit whining that non-voters and communists aren’t lining up for Joe.

(I know it’s not really you in particular, but I’m saying it anyway because I’m mad at you establishment Democrats.)


Right, I’m parsing the distinction in the hopes that more folks listen to people like Chomsky, NJR, and you (you said you’re voting Biden iirc), and less to people in my post above.

I doubt I’m an establishment dem despite what you think. It’s just obvious even looking at the primaries last month that it’s easier to achieve leftist goals by working through the dem party rather than actively fighting against it.

Yes, though mostly just because of what I’ve said here. I’m in CA and my vote is absolutely worthless for Joe. I should probably either vote for 3rd party or not at all and won’t be blue no matter who in the future. And, Chomsky basically said the same - vote D if you are in a swing state.

Like I said, I’m being a jerk because I’m mad.

Maybe easier if it just means voting, but not better. The best ways are outside of electoral politics though imo.

The podcast has nearly a million youtube subscribers. Cool that you’ve never heard of it bro, but it’s relevant within the online left.

I am drawing attention to the type of rhetoric commonly used, but of course not claiming that every Bernie Bro is like this. While NJR went off the rails a bit post-primary, he’s been totally reasonable lately. I’d want nothing more than the rest of the online left to take a cue from him.

VaushV is another socialist youtuber that I’d recommend here as someone who’s pushed back against the left/right equivocation trap.


a bunch of people are filing fake forms trying to trick people on PI

pretty damn pathetic

It’s real and it’s spectacular


The look on Obama’s face after he said it was hilarious.

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Looks like the run is over


I have also dropped out.


I’m surprised we don’t get more randoms running just to try to pull one on kids that only four people in the entire country were ahead of them running for president. Some states don’t cost that much.

Yeah, ye basically pulled a ye, looked into it too late and realized well that’s stupid. Thing is though, does he still have to file the form? Well he’s not at this point, but if he got enough legally he’d “have” to.

Then again newt gingrich still owes millions from his failed run (why doesn’t his wages get garnished??? (I know why but still everyone else would’ve))

Yeah, this was never a real thing: