#Ye2020 The Inevitable Candidacy of Kanye West

How would you feel if Trump dumped Pence and made Kanye his running mate?

TL;DR: Kanye probably releasing a new album soon and wants some free PR.

Amused and concerned.

99% this is a publicity stunt or just some nonsense off the top of his head but the other 1% has me concerned

Itā€™s not even for a new album, itā€™s the klaws of the Kardashians. Theyā€™ve ruined so many people.


All the people who were so sure that all the non-loyal Democratic voters (ie Bernie-bros) were going to vote for Trump will switch to saying that they were going to vote for Biden, but now theyā€™re voting for Kanye. Whatever it is, always, always, always, thereā€™s some reason that alternatives only capture purity testing fake lefties who just canā€™t be loyal to the team.

Actually I hope thatā€™s anyoneā€™s reasoning who is worried and that they donā€™t think Black people are going to vote for Kanye because heā€™s Black.

Wasnā€™t Trump running just a publicity stunt?




In 2015. Not in July of 2016.

FYI, the following are the states where the ballot deadline has already passed or where the ballot deadline is so soon itā€™s basically impossible (ie: within the next two weeks):

  1. Alabama passed;
  2. Colorado (7/9);
  3. Florida 7/15;
  4. Georgia 7/14;
  5. Illinois passed;
  6. Indiana 7/15;
  7. Michigan 7/16;
  8. Montana passed;
  9. Nevada passed;
  10. New Hampshire passed;
  11. New Mexico passed;
  12. New York passed;
  13. North Carolina passed;
  14. Oklahoma 7/15;
  15. South Carolina 7/15;
  16. Texas passed;

Another set of ballot deadlines pass the first week of August for basically every other state that could possibly matter.

People need to relax about this.


All heā€™s gotta do is skim enough votes from Biden to give Trump a state or two and Kanye gets his dream outcome of a second term of Donald Trump.

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In what state is he going to skim votes? He canā€™t get on the ballot almost anywhere that matters. Maybe Wisconsin if he really hustles I guess because their deadline is the first week of August I think.

Kanye is most popular with 18-35 middle class white kids who never got around to listening to Liquid Swords, heā€™s not going to peel huge AA support away from anyone.


Just want to say I was at Coachella at the height of Kanye and my friend and I left when his set started to avoid traffic.

Kanye was always shit and his best song is nihilist pablum ripped off from a mediocre French pop duo.

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It is true that Kanye has always sucked, but this

is offensively stupid.


l canā€™t claim to have given Daft Punk a fair shake, but I have not been impressed by their popular songs.

Is your avatar Peter Murphy? Bauhaus is somewhere around my top 10 bands.

Alive 2007 is almost without a doubt the best live album of the last 20 years.

My avatar is a Norwegian pop star named Jens Pikenes. I have never heard any of his songs, but he was a massive donor on FTP back in the day. I figure itā€™s better to keep it so people can ID my posts even if they donā€™t remember my username (also a dated poker reference).

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