this hat’s cracking me up
So it seems like the obv choice for fresh start would be ally on the PVP realm, horde on the PVE realm right? For some reason I’m struggling to decde faction and pvp/pve. In the end it doesn’t matter since I probably won’t make it to 70 anyhow lol.
Humans are completely broken this expansion which is the only reason I’d ever roll alliance
one of my accounts has been in a 34 minute queue on faerlina for 45 minutes, so, I’d probably choose a low pop server either way, this is always so miserable
this is the craziest queue ive ever seen. completely unmoving with 2k left.
this is exactly like tbc launch except way more death knights, hellfire peninsula swarmed with dk’s and boosties
streaming all night probably
still cant figure out what to boost. I guess the only classes I’m missing are:
of those, mage has most utility but there’s almost zero chance I use it for anything other than farming, boosting (which doesnt seem possible anymore), and making water/portals. Mage was my main in original WOTLK. I like the class but I don’t need or want to play it again.
shaman/warrior zero chance I play. Warrior is TBC rogue-tier in this expansion until the very very end. no thanks. Shaman has never been appealing to me, if I want to play a ranged caster I’d play a mage, if I want to play melee I have a ton of other choices, and my other healers are better.
So that leaves warlock/rogue. I’m thinking utility wise it’s probably rogue if not just for the lockpicking. Plus, I’ve always wanted to play a rogue, but they’re kind of annoying to level. The only reason I’m not wanting to pull the trigger on this is I think leveling a rogue 1-60 would be a more fun experience than the other classes I haven’t done yet.
Really what I should do is find a way to make gold because mounting and gearing all these characters is crazy expensive. I have 375 tailoring and 275 enchanting on the druid. That’s literally IT. I need to get cracking on inscription, if I get lucky and bink a valuable darkmoon card my problems will be solved.
I suppose I could boost on a new server. I have a lot of baggage on faerlina.
got my dk to 70 within 24 hours of real life time…
the starter zone was a bit crazy on benediction but Questie was down, and i had done all the quests before so got out ahead of everyone.
most of my guild fought the queue monster on benediction most of the first two nights… one had a 142 minute prompt.
i guess the fotm boost is the prot warrior sethekk boost. i haven’t really done it, and my warrior only has pvp gear so it’s unlikely i can do it…
i spent 61-69 in Blood Furnace solo, minus a trip to Ring of Blood at 65, and then 69-70 AV. which is definitely worthwhile. i think while winning and killing harpies in the cave i was still getting like 200k exp per hour
thats legit impressive
dk can solo bf??? jfc i didnt even hear about that
yeah. starting at 60-61 you can pull one pack at a time the whole way to the first boss. its about 3400 exp PER mob in blood spec. i was getting about 380k exp per hour once i got it down… i bought a blade of misfortune and some green “of the champion” gear ahead of time and just cruised.
apparently the sethekk halls thing is INSANE. sarthe has two dk’s already at 70, and his video was saying its 700-800k per hour at peak
looool i guess the reason I wasnt able to do that on frostmourne was because they have everything tuned out the ass. thanks. i’ll do that.
I used to solo all of sethekk halls on my druid, i think I know what they’re doing
basically I played all of phase 1 (naxx) and a little of p2 (ulduar) as a blood tank with unholy OS, but that was private server, I dont know yet what blizzard changed, if anything, wasn’t wanting to spoil myself yet and just take it in
lol… we were making fun of that in my guild. benediction has xfer’s to sulfuras(800 people raiding-ZERO alliance) and Old Blanchy (357 people raiding-west coast time zone)…
benediction had 18,511 people raiding at last census…
faerlina’s a trip. just bumped into a rogue in full 8 pc t6 + warglaives. lol. not sure t6 is even bis for rogue. just faerlina things. he probably bought all of that too.
anyway, blizz has really pissed me off with this authenticator shit. to use their group finder, you must have the authenticator app enabled on your account. No problem, right? wrong. 1) you need to use this PITA thing every single time you log in, which is obnoxious because I’m frequently hopping between accounts. 2) on my second account (which is actually my main account because it has my druid), when I went to enable the authenticator, I got a nasty surprise when I realized the authenticator can only be mapped to a single phone number. Therefore, I can only use group finder on my MAIN account if I get a fucking burner phone number. Unbelievable.
if the goal was to reduce multi accounting, just ban it? they can’t though, because they explicitly encouraged multi accounting a while back (obv, because theyre sub based, it makes them more $$).
I’m very concerned that they’re gonna continue making this a pain in the ass and eventually I’m gonna have to make a hard decision. multi accounting/boxing is not against the TOS.
support told me to get another phone. lol. this is starting to feel like a drug habit or something bad.
considering xferring off faerlina to a west coast server…any suggestions? I realized last night I actually hate most of the people on this server, and I had some unpleasant interactions with my last guild and I don’t want to deal with any of them ever again (they stole a paltry amount of money from me).
this is hilarious and a major reason why i keep coming back to this game, the random barrens chats
if you want to stay relevant size. there’s really only Whitemane for you to go to. 8496 raiding all horde.
or you could go grobbulus rp/pvp the only balanced server left… 11k total like 53-47 horde favored
are rp servers totally lame still? if it’s even slightly less sweaty than faerlina that sounds really appealing