World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

Just saw the graphic at halftime, he was about half a femur offside. At the speed he was running, that’s pretty damn close though.

If anyone can see your cup design, you’re doing something right

(Talking adults here)

Also my quote function is not functioning half the time.

But doesn’t everyone have 3 points right now?

Wait, I clearly don’t understand points.

At 2-0 how do you see Iran playing?

You’re looking at Matches Played.

MP = matches played



total football awaits

don’t you see this column

Screen Shot 2022-11-29 at 3.08.00 PM

So why does the US have 5 points and why do they lose 2 if they tie?

Win is 3. Tie is 1.

Yes that’s what I was looking at, but I couldn’t understand what it meant.

It is counting the current lead as a win, which is dumb.

Americans will fix football - after we figure out how to read a table


So how do we have 5 pts?

it’s complicated but basically the Illuminati


Eng 1 Wales 0

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Because if the game ended right now, it’s 1 win (3 points) and 2 draws (1 point each).

Dude. That table’s showing live positions ie if the game ended now.

Every time they show the standings on the broadcast they do the same thing - show the US with 5 pts. So confusing.